sometimes people think that being pregnant is a problem and then take deciciones wrong and
sometimes they do for other REASONS as:
· Because they become pregnant due to unplanned or forced sex, · Because they can not feed a
child, · Because they have no money and no job, · Because the couple does not want to help
care for the creature, · Because they are too young or because they are older, · Because they
need to continue their studies, · Because they have decided to pursue their careers or work, ·
That the child may be born with malformations or serious illness, · Because of continuing
pregnancy endanger their health or life, · Because they already have the children they want and
do not want one more, · Because they pregnant after a rape because
those are not agree
really has nothing good to abort a baby or a life is like taking the right to life as a child and I
think we fight for haci our rights we should respect those of others and to the lives bienen
conozer our world