Zheng He


Siete viajes de zheng he
Mapa Mental por ErikXtu777, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ErikXtu777 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Zheng He
  1. Life
    1. Bornt - 1371-1372
      1. Mother - Weng
        1. Chinese diplomat
          1. He was a young officer
            1. Zheng He was a young man of great skill
              1. He commanded the majority of expeditions of overseas in the epoch of the emperor Yongle
                1. His first trip did it in 1405
                  1. After the emperor's change in 1424, the expeditions were suspended and Zheng did not return to make a new trip until 1431
                    1. 7 expeditions
                  2. DIed - 1435
                    1. Father - Ma Haiji
                      1. Son of a Muslim who had peregrinated to the Mecca
                      2. Really name Ma He
                    2. Expeditions
                      1. 1
                        1. 1405
                          1. 317 ships
                            1. First visit to Champa
                              1. The also visited Java
                                1. Finally they arrived to Calicut
                        2. 2
                          1. 1407
                            1. Yongle ordered to organize an expedition
                              1. It is not clear if Zheng He participated in this second voyage
                                1. Or only Wang Jinghong and Hou Xian
                                  1. Siam, Java, Deli, Ahceh, Cochin and Calicut
                          2. 3
                            1. 1409
                              1. 1412
                                1. 48 ships
                                  1. Wang Jinghong and Hou Xian
                                    1. Quilon, Cochin y Calicut
                              2. 4
                                1. 1414
                                  1. 63 ships
                                    1. Zheng He VS Sumatra
                                      1. Zheng He Win
                                        1. looking for lands of the India and the Maldives Islands
                                  2. 5
                                    1. 1416
                                      1. Yongle ordered Zheng He prepare a new trip
                                    2. 6
                                      1. 1421
                                        1. The fleet was divided into Semudera
                                          1. Zhou Man led the main fleet to Aden and Africa
                                            1. Zheng He returned to China
                                              1. The main fleet did not return until a year later
                                      2. 7
                                        1. 300 ships
                                          1. The fleet was divided
                                            1. Africa
                                              1. ?
                                                1. It would be his last trip
                                                  1. In 1449 the Mongols arrived China, coming to kidnap the Emperor


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