Video Games


What things do people enjoy about the different genres of video games
Rebecca Hogarth
Mapa Mental por Rebecca Hogarth, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rebecca Hogarth
Criado por Rebecca Hogarth mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Video Games
  1. Action
      1. Sense of danger
        1. Live out the experiences of others
          1. Fast paced
        2. Shooter
            1. Online multiplayer
              1. Realistic
                1. Intense, fast paced
              2. Action - Adventure
                  1. Visually attractive
                    1. Experiencing situations which are unlikely to occur
                      1. Feeling of risk taking
                    2. Adventure
                        1. Ability to free roam vast game world
                          1. Situations/ Environments which would be unlikely in real life
                            1. Players go on a journey with the characters
                          2. Role - Playing
                              1. Consequences of choices
                                1. In depth characters
                                  1. Sense of responsibility
                                2. Simulation
                                    1. No definite story
                                      1. Customiseable
                                        1. Family friendly
                                      2. Strategy
                                          1. Encourages players to think about their choices
                                            1. Definite goal
                                              1. Commitment pays off
                                            2. Sports
                                                1. Option to play as favorite players/teams
                                                  1. Multiplayer
                                                    1. Part of a team
                                                  2. Platform
                                                      1. Suitable for all ages
                                                        1. Level based allows game to be stopped and picked up again when convenient
                                                          1. Use of humor
                                                        2. Casual
                                                            1. Simple yet addictive
                                                              1. Easy to play
                                                                1. No need for major commitment
                                                              2. Puzzle
                                                                  1. Sense of achievement
                                                                    1. Need solutions to proceed
                                                                      1. Challenging


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