AS:La technologie


A Level French Mapa Mental sobre AS:La technologie, criado por AlexPereira1997 em 22-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por AlexPereira1997, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por AlexPereira1997 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

AS:La technologie
  1. acceder a=to access
    1. une addresse e-mail= email address
      1. aller sur MSN= to go on MSN
    2. analogique=analogue
      1. un appli= an app
        1. un appareil numerique= digital camera
          1. l'autoroute de l'information=information super highway
      2. un avatar- an avatar
        1. un basse de donnees=database
          1. un bloggeur= a blogger
            1. la boite aux lettres electronique= email box
          2. brancher= to plug in
            1. branche=up to date/trendy
              1. la carte a puce=smart card
                1. le CD-rom/le cederom=CD-ROM
          3. la censure= censorship
            1. censurer=to censor
              1. charger=to load
                1. chatter/tchatter= to chat online
              2. le clavier=keyboard
                1. cliquer=to click
                  1. la competence en informatique= computer literacy
                2. la conception assistee par ordinateur= computer aided design
                  1. la console de jeu=games console


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