Cooking Methods


cooking methods
Joshua McCready
Mapa Mental por Joshua McCready, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Joshua McCready
Criado por Joshua McCready aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cooking Methods
  1. Dry Heat
    1. Dry heat cooking methods can cook food using direct or in-direct heat.
      1. Some foods may lose moisture and become dry when a dry heat cooking method is used
        1. Ways to add Moisture
          1. barding
            1. larding
              1. marinating
              2. grill
                1. roast
                  1. broil
                    1. bake
                      1. deep fry (fat)
                      2. Moist Heat
                        1. boil
                          1. pasta and corn
                            1. lose nutrients
                            2. simmering
                              1. poaching
                                1. seafood, chicken, eggs
                                2. blanching
                                  1. like boiling
                                  2. steaming
                                    1. veggies
                                      1. healthy
                                    2. It is important that chefs be aware of the best method for each food to ensure the best results.


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