3.11 Later Relationships


A level Psychology (attachments) Mapa Mental sobre 3.11 Later Relationships, criado por Alicja Klak em 02-01-2023.
Alicja Klak
Mapa Mental por Alicja Klak, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alicja Klak
Criado por Alicja Klak aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

3.11 Later Relationships
  1. Continuity Hypothesis
    1. The idea that there is consistency between early emotional experiences and later relationships. Based upon the internal working model.
    2. Childhood Relationships
      1. According to attachment theory, a child who has a secure attachment style should be more confident in interactions with friends.
        1. Securely attached children unlikely to be involved in bullying. Insecure avoidant most likely to be victims and insecure resistant were bullies.
        2. Adult Relationships
          1. Parenting Style
            1. Intergenerational continuity between adults attachments and their children. People tend to base their parenting style on the internal working model so attachments tend to be passed on through generations.
              1. Harlow's monkeys showed a link between poor attachment and later difficulties with parenting.
              2. Romantic Relationships
                1. The IWM influences a persons expectation of later relationships, thus affecting their attitudes towards them.
                  1. Hazan and Shaver (1987) The Love Quiz - analysed 620 replies to a love quiz in a newspaper, assessing current relationships and attachment types.
                    1. Secure - tended to have long lasting relationships. Insecure - more difficult, tended to divorce and believed love was rare. Avoidant - jealousy and fear of intimacy.
                2. Evaluation
                  1. Strengths:
                    1. Supporting evidence. Early attachment constantly predicts later attachment, wellbeing and attachment to own children.
                    2. Weaknesses:
                      1. Confounding variables. E.g parenting style might affect attachment quality and later development.
                        1. Early attachments were assessed retrospectively. Asking questions relies on honesty and accurate perception.


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