

Academic Writting Mapa Mental sobre Sentence, criado por katarzynanna em 24-11-2013.
Mapa Mental por katarzynanna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por katarzynanna quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Clauses
    1. a group of words containig at leas one subject & verb
      1. Independent
        1. contains subject&verb
          1. expresses complete thought
            1. can stand alone as a sentence
            2. Dependent
              1. begins with a subordinator
                1. for exampmle: when, while, of, that, who, if etc.
                2. does not express complete thought
                  1. formed with subordinator, subject & verb
              2. Kinds of Sentences
                1. Simple Sentences
                  1. one independent clause
                  2. Compound Sentences
                    1. one or more independent clauses joined
                      1. with a coordinator
                        1. FAN BOYS
                          1. punctuation: comma before coordinator
                        2. with a conjunctive adverb
                          1. punctuation: semicolon before conjunctive adverb and coma after
                          2. with a semicolon
                            1. only when the two closes are closly related in meaning!
                        3. Complex Sentences
                          1. one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
                            1. one idea is more important than the other
                              1. Types of complex sentences
                                1. with Adverb Clauses
                                  1. acts like an adverb (tells where, when, why, how)
                                    1. begins with a subordinator
                                    2. with Noun Clouse
                                      1. begins with: wh-word, that, whether, if.
                                        1. acts like a noun
                                        2. with Adjectival Clause
                                          1. acts like an adjective
                                            1. begins with a relative pronoun (who, whom, which, whose, that) or with relative adverb (where, when)
                                          2. punctuation: if the independent clause is after dependent put a comma before it.
                                          3. Compound-Complex Sentences
                                            1. at least three clauses
                                              1. at least two independent


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                                          Context Clues
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                                          Punctuation in Sentences
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