SDLC models concept map


Mi trabajo de Fisica y Programacion:
eduardo cordero chiquitero
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SDLC models concept map
  1. 5. Code Test:
    1. In this step, we look for flaws and inadequacies. We address these faults until the product matches its original specs. In brief, we want to see if the code fits the criteria.
      1. Prefix, Stackify's free code profiler, may help you create better code on your workstation. Prefix supports.NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, and Python.
      2. "Did we get what we wanted?"
      3. 1. Identify the current problems.
        1. This step of the SDLC entails gathering feedback from various stakeholders.
          1. "What are the current problems?"
            1. Including as consumers, salespeople, industry experts, and programmers.
            2. The present system's strengths and limitations, with the purpose of improving them.
              1. Learn about
            3. 2. Plan:
              1. During this stage of the SDLC, the team estimates the cost
                1. "What do we want?"
                  1. And resources necessary to accomplish the studied requirements.
                  2. And offers sub-plans to mitigate those risks.
                    1. It also describes the hazards involved
                      1. The team should assess the project's viability and determine how to implement it successfully while minimizing risk.
                        1. In other words,
                    2. 4. Build:
                      1. At this point, the true development begins.
                        1. "Let's create what we want."
                          1. It is critical that all developers adhere to the agreed-upon plan. Also, make sure you have clear rules in place for coding style and processes.
                          2. You may establish a file nomenclature or a variable name style like camelCase.
                            1. For example,
                              1. This will assist your team in producing organized and consistent code that is easier to comprehend and test throughout the following phase.
                            2. 3. Design:
                              1. This step of the SDLC begins by converting the software specifications into a design plan known as the Design Specification.
                                1. "How will we get what we want?"
                                  1. All stakeholders evaluate the plan and provide feedback and ideas.
                                  2. And incorporating stakeholder feedback into this document.
                                    1. It is critical to have a strategy for gathering
                                      1. Failure at this stage will almost surely result in cost overruns at best, and the project's complete collapse at worst.
                                    2. 6. Software Deployment:
                                      1. "Let's start using what we got."
                                        1. At this point, the aim is to deploy the program into the production environment so that people may begin utilizing it. However, many businesses choose to move the product via several deployment environments, such as testing or staging.
                                          1. This enables any stakeholders to safely experiment with the product before it is released to the market. Furthermore, this enables for any last errors to be identified before the product is released. “Developers are now responsible for more and more steps of the entire development process”
                                      2. Extra: Software Maintenance:
                                        1. "Let's get this closer to what we want."
                                          1. When a plan meets reality, it rarely works perfectly. Furthermore, if real-world situations change, we must update and enhance the program accordingly. The DevOps trend has impacted the SDLC in certain ways. Developers are now responsible for an increasing number of processes throughout the development process.
                                            1. We also notice the benefits of moving left. When development and operations teams utilize the same toolset to measure performance and identify faults from application creation to retirement, it creates a shared language and allows for speedier handoffs.
                                              1. Application performance monitoring (APM) tools can be utilized in development, testing, and production environments. This ensures that everyone uses the same toolset throughout the development lifecycle.


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