Deviant Identity


Part 5: Deviant Identity
Mapa Mental por emoghtader, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por emoghtader aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Deviant Identity
  1. Deviant Identity Career
    1. Stage 1: When caught, one experiences an informal labeling process
      1. Stage 2: Public changes attitude towards the deviant
        1. Stage 3: One develops "spoiled identity" or tarnished reputation
          1. Stage 4: Friends/family engage in "dynamics of exclusion"
            1. Stage 5: Other deviants include said deviant in the circles/activities
              1. Stage 6: Public tightens margin of social allowance toward deviant
                1. Stage 7: Deviant engages in "looking glass self" ; internalize label
                2. Master Statuses (top of deviant identity) link to auxiliary traits (common social preconceoptions
                  1. Primary Deviance: people commit deviant acts but goes unrecognized.
                    1. Secondary Deviance: label becomes one's identity that significantly affects role performance.
                      1. Tertiary Deviance: those who embrace deviance as a social construction rather than intrinsic
                        1. 5 Techniques of Neutralization: denial of responsibility, denying injury, denial of victim, and condemning the condemners
                          1. Goffman's 2 categories of deviant stigma: discreditable- easily concealable traits; discredited- revealed or can't hide stigma
                            1. Deviance Disavowal: nondeviants semi-ignore deviants actions, then progress to limited engagement, then deviance accepted after discussed enough.
                              1. Deviance Avowal: deviants openly acknowledge stigma to present positive light
                                1. Degher & Hughes generated a model of the identity change process through recognizing and placing their status. They found evidentiality of status and different roles of cues have a relationship. This can help understanding of how institutionally promoted identity change occurs.; deviants have a low degree of self-evidentiality.
                                  1. Weinberg, Williams, & Pryor's study of the identity career form the basis for the development for more sophisticated models of deviance.
                                    1. McLorg & Taub's study shows that rather the utilizing predetermined standards of inclusion, it allows respondents to construct their own reality. Social processes involved in developing identities comprise the sequence of conforming behavior, primary/secondary deviance. The framework of labeling theory & effects of stigmatization is elucidated.
                                      1. Opsal's study of deviant identity show when the stigma of a criminal record is challenged through narrative identity talk (prosocial cultural values/stories/characters), deviants create a "new" self.
                                        1. Scully & Marolla's study examines disavowal techniques, the repertoire of culturally available neutralizing accounts, & analyze the connection between types of accounts & the way sexual offenders locate blame
                                          1. Cromwell & Thurman's study of deviants rationalizations that public will find familiar., drawing from "techniques of naturalization." This helps deflect the labeling process and the deviant identity.
                                            1. Bemiller's study reveals the hierarchy of gender stratification of hypermasculine, androgynous, gay, and then women.
                                              1. Davis' study documents the stigma cast upon those who see themselves as having a disjuncture between how they see themselves & how they externally appear. It shows how deviants manage the stigma of wanting/claiming a deviant physical status that they don't have.
                                                1. Moral identity is not a binary state rather a continuum., working at interpersonal & institutional levels.
                                                2. Khanna & Johnson's study examines the way people engage in covering up/diminishing the relevance of a known identity to accent an alternative/more acceptable identity by highlighting existence/relevance to situation/group.
                                                  1. Roschelle & Kaufman's study on why people go out of their way to avoid the stigmatized. The "vocabulary or attribution" assigns blame to them based on individual failures rather than unequal opportunity of society.
                                                    1. Thompson's study shows that suppoort groups are rehearsals rather than performances. This supports Goffman's theory on instruction of management.


                                                      Studying Deviance
                                                      History of Psychology
                                                      Reuben Caruana
                                                      Alfred Adler
                                                      Sara Lynn Deese
                                                      Social Organization of Deviance
                                                      Studying Deviance
                                                      Studying Deviance_3
                                                      Studying Deviance_1
                                                      Studying Deviance_2
                                                      Studying Deviance_4
                                                      Studying Deviance_5
                                                      Terapia Gestalt
                                                      Alejandro Cordero Pérez