
Resumen del temario de Aplicaciones de las Tic, 4º curso en Estudios Ingleses
Karen  Maier
Mapa Mental por Karen Maier , atualizado 12 meses atrás
Karen  Maier
Criado por Karen Maier 12 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. 2- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BMAs to collect, organise and manage bibliographic data
    1. BMA´s main elements
      1. Adding new data
        1. Manually, Directly Indirectly
          1. BibText - Ref ID
            1. Citation List
              1. Refworks Tag Format
                1. Refworks XML Format
                  1. TAb delimited
                  2. other methods= Refworks,, RSS, or from PDF file
                    1. using a web importer
                      1. Adding iin-cites by generating bibliographies
                    2. Managing Data
                      1. Adding tags, and putting into folders
                      2. Generating Bibliography
                        1. directly from the application
                          1. Migrating bibliographic references from Mendeley to Refworks
                          2. Using a word processor
                        2. BMA Typology
                          1. Classic
                            1. Social networks
                              1. Web-based
                                1. THESE TYPES WERE REDUCED TO: TWO MODALITIES=
                                  1. Commercial software
                                    1. EndNote
                                      1. Refworks
                                        1. Mendeley
                                          1. Web Importer
                                        2. Open source
                                          1. Zotero
                                    2. UNIT 1 DATABASES AND ONLINE LIBRARIES searching and evaluating information
                                      1. CONSORCIO MADROÑO
                                        1. MLA, guide to academic style and the most widely used in English Literature
                                          1. MLA publications (Modern Language Association)
                                            1. MLA International Bibliography
                                              1. MLA Directory of periodicals
                                              2. JSTOR, providing content from e-books
                                                1. ISI Web of lKnowledge
                                                  1. ERIC, the most important database dealing with Education
                                                    1. LION full-text works in English
                                                      1. Linguitics Collection (TFG)
                                                        1. Linguistics Abstracts Online, resúmenes lingüísticos
                                                        2. EBSCO
                                                          1. America: History and Life
                                                          2. PROQUEST
                                                            1. Early English books online (EEBO)
                                                            2. DIALNET (UNED)
                                                              1. REBIUN
                                                                1. UNED Library Platform
                                                                  1. Open Online Resources
                                                                    1. Google Scholar, the most useful in the academic world
                                                                      1. Google Books
                                                                      2. E- journals
                                                                        1. E-Books
                                                                          1. Ebook Central
                                                                            1. O´Reilly Safari Books Online
                                                                              1. Elsevier / Science Direct
                                                                                1. E- Buned
                                                                                2. Open Access Libraries
                                                                                  1. Gutenberg Project
                                                                                    1. Open Library
                                                                                      1. Europeana
                                                                                        1. Luminarium


                                                                                      UNIT 3 TOOLS FOR COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE
                                                                                      Raquel GÓMEZ CASARES
                                                                                      Databases and electronic libraries
                                                                                      Begoña Tarrio
                                                                                      Databases and electronic libraries for English Studies
                                                                                      Gemma López
                                                                                      UNIT 4 Web 2.0 and other emerging technologies applied to research
                                                                                      Pau Fernandez
                                                                                      Glossário de Direito Empresarial
                                                                                      Daniella Paulino
                                                                                      Contextualização da disciplina - Desenvolvimento Humano e Social - Saúde
                                                                                      Emmanuela Pimenta
                                                                                      Contextualização da Aula 4 - Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
                                                                                      Fabrícia Assunção
                                                                                      Mapa Mental - Exame de Certificação CTFL-AT
                                                                                      Larissa Trindade
                                                                                      Como criar um Mapa Mental
                                                                                      Alex Farias