Assembly Language


A level Computing Mapa Mental sobre Assembly Language, criado por Amara f em 04-03-2024.
Amara f
Mapa Mental por Amara f, atualizado 7 meses atrás
Amara f
Criado por Amara f 7 meses atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Assembly Language
  1. uses mnemonics to represent the operation codes and addresses.
    1. assembler then translates the assembly language program into machine code for execution
      1. assembler translates assembly language into binary
        1. BRP
          1. branch if positive ->if the answer = a positive number then it'll branch / go to a different part of the code
            1. BRZ
              1. branch if zero -> if the answer = 0 -> jump to a specified line in the code
                1. BRA
                  1. will branch whatever the value held in the acc
              2. ADDRSSING MODES
                1. IMMEDIATE
                  1. The operand is the actual value
                  2. DIRECT
                    1. operand holds memory address of the value to be operated on. -> only addressing mode used in the LMC
                    2. INDIRECT
                      1. operand is the location (typically a register) which holds the address of the data we want. -> enable a larger range of addressable locations.
                      2. INDEXED
                        1. address of operand is obtained by adding to the contents of an index register -> a constant value.
                          1. The number of the index register and the constant value are included in the instruction code,
                            1. used to access an array whose elements are in successive memory locations.
                        1. OPCODE
                          1. OPERAND CODE
                            1. specifies the data or memory location of the data on which the operation will be performed
                            2. specifies the operation to be performed by the instruction


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