

project work on bodyparts
Mapa Mental por helerivoorel, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por helerivoorel aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. back
    1. scapula-abaluu
      1. spine-selg
        1. the tailbone-sabaluu
          1. ass
            1. butt cheeks
      2. head
        1. ears
          1. forehead
            1. wrinkles
            2. neck
              1. face
                1. eyes
                  1. eyebrows
                    1. eyelashes
                    2. chin
                      1. jaw
                      2. cheek
                        1. mouth
                          1. teeth
                            1. lips
                              1. lower lip
                                1. upper lip
                              2. nose
                                1. nosetrils-ninasõõrmed
                            2. shoulders
                              1. arm
                                1. elbow
                                  1. biceps
                                    1. wrist-ranne
                                      1. hand
                                        1. palm
                                          1. fingers
                                            1. thumb-pöial
                                              1. the index finger-nimetissõrm
                                                1. middle finger-keskmine sõrm
                                                  1. ring finger-sõrmuse sõrm
                                                    1. pinky-väike sõrm
                                                      1. knuckles-sõrmenukid
                                                        1. fingernails
                                            2. ambit
                                            3. chest-rind
                                              1. breasts-rinnad
                                                1. waist-vöökoht
                                                  1. belly
                                                    1. bellybutton
                                                    2. stomack
                                                      1. hips
                                                        1. hip bones
                                                      2. bust
                                                      3. legs
                                                        1. tights-reied
                                                          1. knee-põlv
                                                            1. hocks-põlveõnnal
                                                              1. shin-säär
                                                                1. ankel-pahkluu
                                                                  1. foot
                                                                    1. flat of the foot-jalalaba
                                                                      1. heel
                                                                        1. toes
                                                                          1. big toe
                                                                            1. old Tom, BomBom
                                                                            2. index toe
                                                                              1. Mary Tossel
                                                                              2. middle toe
                                                                                1. Rooey Whistle
                                                                                2. 4th toe
                                                                                  1. Penny Roe
                                                                                  2. little toe, pinky toe
                                                                                    1. Inky Pea
                                                                                    2. toenails


                                                                    Head, Neck and Back Long Qs 2nd Sem- Anatomy 2nd Year- PMU
                                                                    Med Student
                                                                    Head, Neck and Back 2nd Sem- Anatomy 2nd Year- PMU
                                                                    Med Student
                                                                    Anatomy Year 2 - Head, Neck and Back
                                                                    Sole C
                                                                    body parts
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                                                                    Maria-Lucille E.
                                                                    Body parts
                                                                    Rebeka Joa
                                                                    SOC LEG ETH
                                                                    Tools and equipment
                                                                    M. Romanova
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                                                                    English/čeština Body Parts / lidské tělo
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                                                                    Lenguaje y Comunicación.