Non-Traditional American Families


Mapa Mental sobre Non-Traditional American Families, criado por kelseyhanson5 em 08-11-2015.
Mapa Mental por kelseyhanson5, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por kelseyhanson5 quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Non-Traditional American Families
  1. NO typical American family anymore
    1. Families have always been diverse and in flux
      1. Co-provider families where both parents and kids provide for the whole family
        1. New generations aren't like the old, people are always worried about that
        2. No single Model
          1. Two parent who are married, biological family
            1. Blended families with children from previous relationships
              1. Single parent
                1. Families with adopted kids
                  1. Families with foster kids
                    1. Grandparents raising their grandchildren
                      1. Etc.
                      2. A healthy family should provide and preform certain core functions
                        1. Food
                          1. Shelter
                            1. Economic support
                              1. Love
                                1. Affection
                                  1. Sense of identity
                                    1. Feeling of belonging
                                      1. Worldview and/or spiritual belief
                                        1. Rules and Boundaries
                                      2. The rules we grew up with regarding families no longer exist
                                        1. Show respect toward others' family structures in a healthy and constructive way
                                          1. Children will mirror your actions and responses
                                            1. Make the decision to Love everyone. It is an action
                                            2. Help your own kids understand family structures
                                              1. Draw visual aids
                                                1. Talk about it


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