
An easy to follow mind map about the European Renaissance.
Diego Paez
Mapa Mental por Diego Paez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Diego Paez
Criado por Diego Paez mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. 14th - 17th Centuries
    1. A global economy
    2. The rebirth of Classical Ideas
      1. Ancient Greece and Rome
        1. Crusades
          1. Muhammad II of Ottoman Empire
          2. Power of Church and Kings Challenged
            1. People started thinking independently
            2. Printing
              1. Johannes Gutemberg
                1. Famous First Printed Bible
                  1. William Caxton
                  2. Faster and Cheaper
                    1. Less church power as monks used to write all books and control them.
                    2. Florence, Italy
                      1. Medicis family
                        1. Patrons
                      2. Politics
                        1. Nicolas Maquiavelo


                          • - "Never was anything great achieved without danger." - Florentine civil servant. - Book "The Prince".
                        2. Science
                          1. Nicholas Copernicus


                            • - Studied Astronomy. - Earth revolves around the sun. - Never published because it was too dangerous.
                            1. Galileo Galilei


                              • - Built a 30x telescope. - Earth revolves around the sun. - Published a book. - Forced to repudiate his beliefs or face the death penalty.
                            2. Medicine
                              1. Andreas Versalius


                                • - Professor of Anatomy. - Disected bodies. - Drawings.
                              2. Writers
                                1. William Shakespeare


                                  • - World Famous writer. - Also was an actor. - Built a theater called the Globe. - Wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, The Tempest...
                                  1. Francesco Petrarch


                                    • Invented the Sonnet.
                                  2. Arts
                                    1. Leonardo da Vinci
                                      1. Michaelangelo
                                        1. Raphael
                                          1. Botticelli
                                            1. Changed
                                              1. Non religious themes
                                                1. Nudes
                                                  1. Use of perspective
                                                2. Architects
                                                  1. Filippo Brunelleschi
                                                  2. Humanism


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