Nutrition Mind Map


This is my mind map for the Nutrition Assignment
Mapa Mental por PuppyLover_MS, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por PuppyLover_MS aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Nutrition Mind Map
  1. Vitamins (consumed in small amounts)
    1. Lipid/Fat Soluble
      1. Vitamin A
        1. White blood cells- body's defense
        2. Vitamin D
          1. Gathers Calcium to make bones
          2. Vitamin E
            1. Antioxidant
            2. Vitamin K
              1. Helps clot blood and reduce the effectiveness of Warfrain
              2. Travels into the blood by attaching to protein
                1. Can be packed in the liver and fat cells
                2. Water Soluble
                  1. Vitamin C
                    1. Fights diseases
                      1. Makes collagen
                      2. Vitamin B
                        1. Coenzymes release energy
                        2. Dissolved in water parts of Fruits and Grains
                      3. Fats (9cal/g)
                        1. Saturated
                          1. High blood cholestrol
                            1. Mainly from animal products
                              1. Type 2 Diabetes
                              2. Trans
                                1. Partially Hydrogenated
                                  1. Dangerous and Stable
                                    1. Dosen't go rotten
                                      1. Processed
                                      2. Unsaturated
                                        1. Double or more bonds= good
                                          1. Olive oil, Salmon
                                          2. Acid substance from the liver called Bile breaks down fat
                                            1. Fatty acids may be short or long
                                            2. Energy
                                              1. Carbohydrates (4cal/g)
                                                1. Complex
                                                  1. Stabilizes sugar level
                                                    1. Digestion Time= Longer
                                                    2. Simple
                                                      1. Limited
                                                        1. Broken down quickly
                                                          1. Sugar
                                                            1. Added to Tomato Sauce
                                                              1. Added to mixed fruits
                                                                1. Added to yogurt
                                                                  1. Added to flavoured water
                                                                    1. Glucose, Maltose
                                                                      1. Sucrose, Dextrose
                                                                        1. Lactose, Starch
                                                                          1. Initial Bursts of Energy
                                                                      2. Protein (4cal/g)
                                                                        1. Meat products
                                                                      3. Nutrients
                                                                        1. Micro
                                                                          1. Cleans cells
                                                                            1. Removes waste from cells
                                                                              1. Nourishes cells
                                                                                1. Minerals, Vitamins
                                                                                  1. Cells will be weakened without Micro
                                                                                    1. May cause dieasaes without
                                                                                    2. Macro
                                                                                      1. Needed in large amounts
                                                                                        1. Carbs, Protein
                                                                                          1. Fat


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