

Mapa Mental sobre que es el Branding
Clara M Manrique
Mapa Mental por Clara M Manrique, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Clara M Manrique
Criado por Clara M Manrique aproximadamente 9 anos atrás


Key Terms: Branding and Promotion
Heather Jones
Brand Innovation, Heritage Brands, Elasticity and Architecture
Madeline Briscoe
Branding and Corporate Identity Management
Snezha Hristova
Brand Management
Vera Schuster
Branding Strategy
Alex Millar
Brands, Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, Setting Marketing Objectives, Marketing Planning
Madeline Briscoe
Nostalgia and Nation Branding
Madeline Briscoe
Luxury Brands
Madeline Briscoe
B2B Branding
Madeline Briscoe
Branding and advertising Brand Management
Alina Mironova