

AS - Level Computing Science Mapa Mental sobre Do, criado por Karl Taylor em 04-12-2015.
Karl Taylor
Mapa Mental por Karl Taylor, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karl Taylor
Criado por Karl Taylor mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Do until
    1. Repeats until a condition is met
      1. Can be stated at the beginning or end of the loop
      2. Do while
        1. Does while a condition is met
          1. Can be stated at the beginning or end of the loop
          2. Do Loop
            1. The code inside the loop will repeat constentaly
              1. Can be ended by an Exit Do statment
                1. Can be ended by a End statement which will end the program
              2. A do statment is a type of iteration


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