Apocalyptic and Eschatological


Life, death and beyond. Apocalyptic and eschatological.
Jaime  Preston
Mapa Mental por Jaime Preston , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jaime  Preston
Criado por Jaime Preston aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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Apocalyptic and Eschatological
  1. Secular views
    1. The Big Crunch
      1. A Scientific theory about how the universe will end. The explansion of the universe will eventually stop, gravity will pull everything back in on itself, everything will collapse, Giant Souffle, bungee cord , tug of war, rewind button.
    2. Buddhist views
      1. Sermon of the seven suns
        1. 1. We are already in the first sun. After this there will be no more rain. 2. Earth's animals and all life will cease to be. 3. Rivers dry up. 4. Great lakes cease to be. 5. Ocean dries up. 6. Sixth sun appears and bakes the earth as a pot is baked by a potter. All mountains will reek and send up clouds of smoke. 7. Seventh sun will appear and the Earth will blaze with fire until it becomes one mass of flames. All things will burn, perish and no loner exist except those who have seen the path.
        2. Buddhist Maitreya
          1. Will appear around 80,000 years before the end of the current Kalpa. He will appear, achieve enlightenment (in 7 days( and teach the pure dharma. Before he appears there will be a degeneration of society and the teachings of the Buddha will be forgotten. He will teach of the 10 non- virtuous deeds and 10 virtuous deeds e.g killing, lying, divisive speech and hamful intent. When he arrives he will say 'This is my last birth. There will be no rebirth agyer this one. Never will I come back here, but all pure, I shall win Nirvana. .
        3. Christian views
          1. Premillenialsim
            1. take the righteous to heaven (rapture). So called because this will happen before the thousand years. Common belief in Christian fundamentalism. 1 Thes 4:16-17, Rev 20:-6 The rapture- common in Christian literature. The antichrist is a key sign of the coming rapture and tribulation. Harold Camping is an example of someone who tried to predict the rapture and tribulation.
              1. Three categories
                1. Pretribulation rapture 2 stages separated by a seven year period of tribulation, rapture at the beginning of the tribulation, 7 years where the antichrist will conquer the world, he will punish those who refuse to worship him, at the end of this period Christ will return and defeat the Antichrist. Age of peace will be established. Supported by 1 Thes 5:9
                  1. Mid tribulation rapture. Rapture will take place half way through the period of tribulation. Coincides with the 'abdomination of deseolation'. (Desecration of temple, antichrist demands he be worshipeed as God.) Then the most intense part of the tribulation begins.
                    1. Post tribulation rapture. Christ will return at the end of the tribulation, Christians will not be raptured, they will live through the tribulation suffer for their faith. Presence of believers is essential for a final evangelistic effort. At this point many will convert in time fot the beginning of the millennium.
                2. Postmillenialism
                  1. Less widely accepted view, Christ will return after Christians have established his kingdom on earth, not necessarily a literal 1000 years, a golden era of prosperity and dominance. Popularised during 18th and 19th centuries. Criticised as an attempt to immaterialise the eshaton (trying to bring about the end times in the immanent world/ trying tot create heaven on earth. )
                  2. Amillenialism
                    1. 2nd coming after the millennium, symbolic millennium, already in millennium, last judgement, eternal kingdom, realised, theocentric, pessimism. No literal 1000 year reign on earth- Christ is reigning in heaven over this current period. Has already begun- identical to church age. Spiritual reign, Then Christ will return and establish a kingdom on earth. The binding of Satan described in revelation has already happened- he was prevented from 2decieveing the nations" by the spread of the gospel.
                      1. Realised Eschatology Any reference to a future eschatology should be interpreted symbolically. The Kingdom of God is not a physical place. Being in 'the kingdom' is not a promise of a place in heaven but a moral attitude (living the right way.) Those who accept God's word will gain eternal life as the Kingdom transcends time. Entry into the kingdom is immediate from becoming a Christian (death has no effect apart from losing the outer shell (body)).
                        1. Issues: Future events prophesised in the bible must be wrong, reinterprets parts of the bible which is overtly future focused, goes against orthodox views that there is a future aspect, doesn't take into account OT. Not like by most Christians.
                    2. Pariousia
                      1. Ancient Greek word: presence or arrival. Jesus' anticipated return to earth. Based on prophesies in the gospels and biblical messianic prophesies. 1st century Christians believed it was immanent. Last Judgement, final and eternal judgement of the nations by God. Particularly strong in gospel of Matthew. Pre Millenialists- Sheep and goats (will determine status of people still alive at end of the tribulation.) Great white throne judgement. Other denominations- No two part judgement, one judgement for believers and non believers, Jesus will separate the saved and the damned
                        1. Catholic and Orthodox. Traditional views. Jesus will not spend time on earth in ministry or preaching. Ministry of the Antichrist will take place right before the second coming. Some claim 1000 year reign is heretical. Similar to Jewish beliefs of the Messiah being and earthly king. Christ will not return to earth to reign (To the kingdom of heaven. New Jerusalem established through the Resurrection of the dead.)
                          1. Protestant Many differing views common thread is that Jesus will return to judge the world and establish the kingdom of God. Some Lutheran, Anglican and United Ethodist liturgies include; "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." Similar to Jewish beliefs of the MEssiah being and earthly king.
                      2. How has Hollywood developed this?
                        1. Films The day after tomorrow, Armageddon, Apocolypto, Apocalypse now, planet of the Apes, The Terminator, The Matrix, Children of Men, Independence Day, Knowing, 28 days later, Deep Impact.


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