(7) How do Pressure Groups become more powerful


A level People and Politics (Pressure groups) Mapa Mental sobre (7) How do Pressure Groups become more powerful, criado por Marcus Danvers em 05-12-2013.
Marcus  Danvers
Mapa Mental por Marcus Danvers, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Marcus  Danvers
Criado por Marcus Danvers mais de 11 anos atrás

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(7) How do Pressure Groups become more powerful
  1. Wealth
    1. The most powerful pressure groups in the country are the ones the government must listen to because they have financial and economic power
      1. As the main source of employment and investement in the economy, government must seek there cooperation and support
        1. They possess knowledge and expertise that are essential to the formation of economic, industrial and trade policy
          1. They possess the financial strength to employ professional loblisted and public relations consultants
            1. Examples of wealthy PG's are:
              1. Shell
                1. BP
                  1. Barclays
                    1. ICI
                      1. BAE Systems
                        1. Tesco
                      2. Size
                        1. This is one of the assumptions that is made by pluralist theory is that Pressure groups power is
                          1. Large groups can claim to represent public opinion. Government listen to them because there members have an electoral impact
                            1. More members means more subscription and donations. Large groups tend to be wealth groups. this has led to the growth of so called "cheque book" groups, which aims to achieve mass memberships but leave campaigning in the hands of fulltime professionals
                              1. A large membership allows groups to organize political campaigns and protests. Groups such as trade unions and CND use their members as a key resource. Members are the main people turn up to marches and demonstrations
                                1. Examples of large PG's are:
                                  1. RSPB
                                    1. Green peace
                                      1. WWF
                                        1. NSPCC
                                      2. Organizations and leadership
                                        1. Organizations helps groups to mobilize their resources effectively and to take concerted action. some groups are easier to organize than others. For example producers are easier to organize than consumers; doctors are easier to organize than patents. They also helps to explain why interest groups are often more powerful than cause groups. Effective organization also requires financial resource ( but organized groups tend to be more wealthy) and high quality leadership.
                                          1. Acute politcal skills, they know how the policy procces works, who to network with and how to exert pressure
                                            1. Good politcal contact, they "know" the right people.
                                              1. Developed media and presentional skills, they know how to put there case forward
                                                1. A high public profile, they are publicly recognized and maybe even liked
                                                  1. Examples of good leader in PG's
                                                    1. Liberty leader shami chakrabarti
                                                      1. Elton John key celebrity member of Aids awareness
                                                        1. Peter Tatchell, a prominent figure in OutRage
                                                      2. Government Views
                                                        1. Groups are far more likely to succeed when the government is broadly sympathetic towards their aims or goals. When a groups goals clash fundamentally with those of the government, it is consigned the statue of ideological outside. They can have long term change political but little chance of short term policy change
                                                          1. Traditional, business groups were influential under a Conservative government. Trade union were more influential under a Labour government
                                                            1. Examples of sympathetic groups to government views are:
                                                              1. RSCA, Hunting with dog's
                                                                1. Rambler Association, right to roam


                                                              (9) Has there been a decline in pressure groups?
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                                                              (5) The functions of Pressure Groups continued
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                                                              (10) Do Pressure groups strength democracy
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                                                              (4) Functions of a pressure group
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                                                              (2) Classification of pressure groups
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                                                              (3) Main distinctions between parties and pressure groups
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                                                              (8) How do pressure groups become more powerful continued
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                                                              (1) What is a pressure group?
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                                                              (6)The diffrents types of groups that pressure appeal to / or are consulted
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                                                              (1) Political Ideologies
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                                                              (3) Core features of the UK's democratic system
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