
Mapa Mental por alisson.son, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alisson.son aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

    1. Future Will
      1. Affirmative
        1. I, He, She, It, You, We, They > will + verb Don't move to another city. I he students will miss you.
        2. Negative
          1. I, He, She, It, You, We, They > will + not (won't) + verb The class will not be every saturday.
          2. YES / NO Questions
            1. Will > I, He, She, It, You, We, They + verb + ...? Will you be at home this evening?
            2. W Questions
              1. I, He, She, It, You, We, They > Where will he be on 25th December?
              2. Shall
                1. I, We shall = I'll, We'll You, They, I, He, She, It dont use
            3. READING SPOTLIGHT
              1. 1. Cognatos
                1. Normal; frustated; response; pass; candidate; process; professional; value; particular; depend; certain; service; different; professions; communicating; government; federal; agencies; example; resume; positive; impression; reflects; competition; particular; company; international; position; programs.
                2. 2. A relação é que aumenta o nivel profissional e assim surgem mais opções de emprego
                3. IDIOMS SPOTLIGHT
                  1. I'm tearing my hair out
                    1. Keep your hair on
                      1. I let my hair down
                      2. PHRASAL VERBS
                        1. “(...)you're probably frustrated with the lack of response and wonder at employers who pass you up for another candidate after the interview process.”
                        2. BRANDS SPOTLIGHT
                          1. LG
                            1. APPLE
                            2. MUSIC SPOTLIGHT
                              1. 1- Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Era
                                1. 2- Let Your Hair Down - Magic!
                                  1. 3- I Will survive – Gloria Gaynor
                                    1. 4- I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
                                    2. QUOTES SPOTLIGHT
                                      1. I CAN AND I WILL
                                        1. Never pass up the chance
                                        2. Alisson Stefan Cruz


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