sensitization upon initial exposure:
allergen activation of CD4 T cell
differentation into Th2 cell
IL4,IL5,IL6,IL10 produce stimulate B cells
to produce IgE IgE bind to mast cells,
basophil, eosinophil
Degranulation of sensitized cells:
cause anaphylaxis reaction(shock)
Type 11 hypersensivity
1) blood transfusion reaction
2) hemolytic disease
3) drug-induced by
Type lll hypersensitivity (immune complex mediated) :
complex escape phagocytosis and complement
circulate trappedd in organ,joint, tissue trigger mast
cells to gedranulate damage the site
1) localised
immune complex
2) systemic
complex disease
Type IV hypersensitivity
(cell-mediated or delayed
type h/s)
DTH reaction: ThI/Tdth cells cytokines released
migration inhibition factor prevent migration of
macrophages accumulation at site of infection
hypersensitivity response