Heat Transfer


Heat transfer key info
Jenson  Davenport
Mapa Mental por Jenson Davenport, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jenson  Davenport
Criado por Jenson Davenport aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Heat Transfer
  1. conduction
    1. Metals are good conductors of heat
      1. Non metals are bad conductors. Bad conductors are insulators.
        1. Electrons in metals can move around freely
          1. Causes charged ions.
        2. Thermal energy is conducted from hot end to cold end.
        3. convection
          1. Takes place in fluids
            1. Occurs when particles with lots of heat energy move and take place of particles with less heat energy.
            2. radiation
              1. works in a vacuum
                1. no particles required
                2. Shiny surfaces are bad emitters of radiation.
                  1. Infrared radiation
                  2. Dark surfaces absorb heat better than shiny surfaces.
                    1. Dark, non shiny surfaces are good emitters and absorbers.
                    2. THERMAL ENERGY


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