
Coaching (Handbook) Mapa Mental sobre UNIT 4: CORE COACHING MODELS, criado por Yomna em 10-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por Yomna, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Yomna quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. The CREATE Model


    • Current Reality,Explore Alternatives,Tap the Energy.
    1. Current Reality, Explore Alternatives,Tap the Energy
    2. The OSCAR Model


      • • Outcome –What would you like to achieve long term?• Situation –What is the current state of affairs?What hascaused this?Which of them is within my power to control?• Choices –What options do I have?What are the consequences?• Actions –What will I do now? How will I do it?When will I do it?• Review – How are we going to review progress? How will wemeasure it?When will we get together?
      1. Outcome- Situation- Choice- Action- Review
      2. The STAR model


        • Identify the current Situation; Thoughts & feelings; Actions that areproducing the present Results (that you want to change).Then work backwards.What Results do you desire;What Actions areneeded to produce those results;How will that make you Think andfeel differently;What does the new Situation look like.We will look a little more in depth at this model, because it is by farthe most widely used probably because it is easy to understand.
        1. Situation- Thoughts- Actions- Result
        2. The GROW Model


          • The GROWModel iswhat its name implies:amodel. It is not the definitivecoaching method or tool but rather a simple and effective structurefor helping an individual explore where they are now,where they wantto be and how they are going to get there.The four steps of GROWform a very rational approach to a forwardmovement process such as coaching. Problems occur when it isapplied rigidly with the individual being‘forced’ to comply with thesteps rather than the model fitting the individual’s circumstances.For instance, it may be that this model is not appropriate initiallywhilst the person you are trying to help explores the heart of theirdilemma, it then kicks in when clarity has been achieved.
          1. Goal


            • You are already familiar and have experience ofidentifying your own SMART goal.This is a simple and memorableway of identification.This is the crucial starting point without which the GROW model willfeel aimless and confused. Ensuring clarity and commitment to thegoal is a prime stage of any coaching experience.Once the goal hasbeen established, the coach can proceed to finding out where theperson currently is compared to the goal.
            1. Crucial starting point without which the GROW model will feel aimless and confused
            2. Reality


              • Many peoplehave their heads firmly buried in the sand to avoid thinking about theircurrent situation. Faced with a problem people sometimes spendyears avoiding reality in the hope that it will go away. It rarely does!Many people will not be realistically aware of their situation.They maybe overly pessimistic, they may be overly optimistic, perhaps they aresimply ignoring it all together.On the positive side, the person you are helping may have greataspirations to achieve a particular goal but still he or she needs toknow where they are starting from in order to take the next step.There is a joke inwhich aman asks someone howto get to his destination.The otherman replies “Well,don’t start from here!”In coaching we always start from“here” since there is nowhere else tostart from. It is the coach’s task to enable the individual to face wherethey are, take stock and then look to move forward.The aims of thereality stage are many but chiefly it should develop some or all of thefollowing information:
              1. Current situation of the coached issue
                1. Strengths and resources that can support
                  1. Concern, fear, insecurities etc
                    1. Done & not done so far
                      1. Support & Barriers
                        1. What's stopped tackling z issue b4
                        2. Options


                          • If Reality is where you are and Goal is where you want to be;Optionsare all the solutions that could possibly work for the individual to getthem to their goal.Some may be commonplace and obvious, others may be a littlefarfetched and others again may be creative - potentially these arethe ones that make the difference from doing the same old thingtime and again. Someone has said that:“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again andexpecting a different outcome”.The reality is that when people sit down with a cup of coffee to thinkof solutions to their problems or goals,what do they normally comeup with? That’s right! The same old answers!The coach’s job here is to help extend the thinking of the individual tobe more creative, to look outside of their normal pattern of behaviourand to get as many ideas in the open as possible.The coach pushesfor more and more solutions and helps the person to keep thinkingwhere normally theymight stop and try the usual answer.The key hereis to start by asking“what else?”– and keep asking!At this time, there is no judgement being made as to how good anoption is, that comes later and it is for the individual to make thatjudgement.The aim is to develop an extensive list of options but ofcourse sometimes ideas can dry up. If so, the coach can reframe thequestion to help get a different perspective. So, the coach may ask“If you were advising a friend in your situationwhat might you suggest?”This subtle distancing can sometimes openup their mind to new ideas.
                          1. All z solutions that could possibly work 4 z individual 2 get them 2 their goal
                          2. Way forward
                            1. Which options they choose
                              1. How committed on a scale of 1-10
                                1. If not10,wheres z seed of doubt/ what could turn 2 a higher level
                                  1. By when'll they achieveZaction
                                    1. What could stop them
                                      1. What'd happen/not happen if they didn’t do't
                                        1. Who could they b accountable 2


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