models and treatments of abnormalities


Models and treatments of abnormalities
Mapa Mental por margaret_wang_21, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por margaret_wang_21 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

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models and treatments of abnormalities
  1. Biological/Medical Model
    1. Assumptions and Applications
      1. psychological abnormality has a physical cause.
        1. Genetic, organic, or chemical disorders cause mental disorder symptoms.
          1. Because the patients are ill,they are not responsible for their abnormal behaviours.
            1. But may cause loss of rights and learned helplessness
            2. Treatments
              1. Drug Treatment
                1. Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT)
                  1. Psychosurgery
                2. Psychodynamic Model
                  1. Assumptions and Applications
                    1. Abnormality is caused by unresolved unconscious conflicts or repressed traumatic events from childhood.
                      1. Psychological&physical symptoms are expressions of the unconscious
                        1. Patients are not responsible for their disorders/Their parents may be blamed.
                        2. Treatments
                          1. Classical psychoanalysis
                            1. Free association
                              1. Dream analysis
                                1. Hypnosis
                                2. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
                                  1. Focus on emotions, relationships, dreams and defence mechanisms
                              2. Behavioural Model
                                1. Assumptions and Applications
                                  1. Classical Conditioning/Operant Conditioning/Social Learning
                                    1. Adaptive responses have been learnt and maladaptive responses have not been learnt.
                                      1. Only target specific behaviour
                                        1. high level of envitonment influence
                                      2. Cognitive Model
                                        1. Assumptions and Applications
                                          1. Abnormality is caused by difficulty controlling thought process
                                            1. Assumes thoughts control behaviours
                                              1. Unrealistic, distorted or irrational understanding and thoughts about the self/others/environment
                                                1. Individuals with mental disorders are blamed
                                              2. Cognitive-behavioural treatment
                                                1. Systematic Desensitization
                                                  1. Gradually introduce feared object
                                                  2. Flooding
                                                    1. Putting patient in situation with worst phobia
                                                    2. Aversion Therapy
                                                      1. Pairing unwanted stimulus with unpleasant stimulus
                                                      2. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
                                                        1. Therapist continually challenges ant irrational thought and replace them with healthier ones


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