The American Dream


Mapa Mental sobre The American Dream, criado por Laura D em 05-01-2016.
Laura D
Mapa Mental por Laura D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura D
Criado por Laura D mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The American Dream
  1. "From rags to riches, from dishwasher to millionaire"
    1. hope of self-improvement and success
      1. vision and aspiration
        1. illusion
          1. USA as "the land of promise"
            1. some immigrants believed that the streets would be paved with gold
              1. the more realistic just hoped for a better life
              2. immigrants believed that in America personal success was possible and within reach of each individual because of the social, economic and political conditions for hard-working people
              3. liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness
                1. as expressed in the Declaration of Independence 1776
                2. foundation of American politics
                  1. but: this dream of a democratic and prosperous society guranteeing "liberty and justice for all" has not been achieved for all groups in America
                    1. black Americans >> often shot by white citizens
                      1. gun law
                  2. Martin Luther King
                    1. famous speech "I have a dream" (1960s)
                      1. referred to the ideal of equality as "a dream deeply rooted in the American dream"
                        1. was optimistic that the dream would come true for black people too
                        2. The American Dream in our modern world
                          1. much harder to follow
                            1. not everyone is able to achieve personal accomplishment
                              1. People who are unable to attain success in a competitive world are regarded as loosers
                              2. Barack Obama
                                1. elected in 2009
                                  1. 145 years after Abraham Lincoln had freed blacks from slavery
                                    1. slogan "yes we can"
                                    2. first black US President
                                      1. Democrat
                                        1. evoked a new confidence in the American people that solutions to the problems the country was confronted with could eventually be found
                                          1. what did he promise?
                                            1. withdrawl from Iraq
                                              1. tax cuts for the middle class
                                                1. new health insurance ("Obama Care")
                                                  1. energy programmes


                                                American Dream
                                                Freedom and Justice
                                                Lina W
                                                The American Dream
                                                AMERICAN DREAM
                                                What is The American Dream?
                                                Paula Raithel
                                                Englisch LK
                                                Celina Romano
                                                The Perks of being a wallflower
                                                Josephine Ocoa
                                                Traditons and Change
                                                Lina W
                                                AMERICAN DREAM
                                                Anna D
                                                AMERICAN DREAM
                                                Josephine .
                                                The American Dream
                                                Lisa Lou