USA: 9/11 and its long-term effects


Mapa Mental sobre USA: 9/11 and its long-term effects, criado por Laura D em 05-01-2016.
Laura D
Mapa Mental por Laura D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura D
Criado por Laura D aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

USA: 9/11 and its long-term effects
  1. Long-term effects
    1. For the Americans
      1. more fear of further attacks
        1. they question their safety
          1. start a fight against terrorism
            1. sense of distrust and fear towards all muslims
              1. more control, tighter security settings
              2. For Muslim fundamentalists
                1. international natority
                  1. network developped further
                    1. closer observation movements
                    2. For the majority of Muslims
                      1. anger and misinterpretation of the Koran
                        1. they're treated in a more hostile and mistrusting manner
                          1. they were increased victims of prejudices and hate
                          2. For the rest of the world
                            1. more fear of further attacks
                              1. start of fight against terrorism
                                1. more control, higher security measures
                                  1. sympathy for Anerica
                                2. Where?
                                  1. New York (World Trade Center)
                                    1. Washington DC (Pentagon)
                                      1. Pennsylvania
                                      2. four planned attacks by the islamic group Al-Qaida
                                        1. terrorists hijacked airplanes
                                        2. 2,996 people were killed


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