All This Fluid!


2 2NN3 Mapa Mental sobre All This Fluid!, criado por D R em 11-01-2016.
Mapa Mental por D R, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por D R aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

All This Fluid!
  1. emesis at home
    1. when did she vomit last?
      1. How much?
        1. what did it look like?
          1. possible causes?
          2. K = 2.9, Na = 130, creat & BUN are up
            1. what is normal?


              • Serum Potassium, K = 3.5-5.0  mEq/L  Serum Sodium, Na  135-147 mEq/LBUN - blood urea nitrogen 7-20 mg/dLBUN: Cr - creatinine ratio 10-20:1
              1. what do these results mean?


                • Inc. BUN: Cr may indicate dehydration, GI bleeding, increased catabolism Inc. BUN may indicate acute glomerulonephritis, ahminoglycosides, burns, chronic nephritis, dehydration, GI bleeding, renal failure, shock, stress K is low but no critical (< 2.5 would be critical) could indicate alkalosis, ascites, burns, chronic pyelonephritis, bushings syndrome, diarrhea, low potassium intake, RTA type I II, VOMITTING, drugs: diuretics, salicylate, insulin Na is low which could indicate AIDS, adrenal insufficiency, CHF, cirrhosis, cyclophosphamide, exercise, heavy sweating, nephrotic syndrome, NG suctioning, SIADH, VOMITING, water intoxication, Drugs: ACE inhibitors, D5W, diuretics, hypotonic saline, thiazides
                1. do these labs diagnose her pain?
                  1. any immediate danger?
                    1. care for person with E& F imbalance
                  2. ER inserted an NG tube
                    1. why?
                    2. IV running
                      1. Why?
                      2. still in pain
                        1. call Dr?
                          1. what else do I need to know before I call?
                            1. SBAR
                          2. has anything been prescribed for her pain?
                            1. how long ago did she have it?
                              1. when's next dose?
                            2. pain score?
                              1. assessment & intervention PQRST


                                • AS WELL AS BOWEL OBSTRUCTION AND PAIN
                              2. is she on any medications?
                                1. reason for going to the hospital?
                                  1. Admitting diagnosis?
                                    1. plan of treatment
                                      1. diagnostic tests
                                      2. age
                                        1. More about her
                                          1. family, social support,
                                            1. power flower for interviewing & integrating family
                                            2. health history


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