R.E Revision


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Resumo de Recurso

R.E Revision
  1. What is prejudice?
    1. Prejudice:Thinking badly of someone because of the group He/she belongs to.This means to pre-judge someone unfairly.
      1. Discrimination: Actions as a result of prejudice.
        1. Why are some people prejudiced?
          1. Childhood
            1. Media
              1. Teachers
                1. Environment
                  1. Fear
                    1. Blaming group of people for problems
              2. friends
                1. Parents
                  1. Lack of Education
                    1. Peer Pressure
                    2. Bad Expierence
                  2. What is Race and Racism
                    1. Equality means having the same rights regardless of gender race or any other protected characteristics.
                      1. Racism means is someone against you either by the colour of your skin or race.
                      2. Chinese British 0.4% Black British 2.0% Mixed Race 1.2% White British 92.1% Asian 3.9% Other 0.4%
                      3. Can Religion help promote racial harmony?
                        1. Harmony means living in peace with others .
                          1. Racial Harmony means living in peace with different races.
                            1. Segregation a policy or act of separating people of different ethnicities.
                                1. Christian Beliefs
                                  1. The great commandments is love your neighbour
                                    1. Bible see all races the same in his eyes.
                                      1. Jesus Helped the poor
                                      2. Martin Luther King fought for equal rights
                                        1. Many Christian's are against racism
                                          1. Christians are taught to forgive and follow Jesus's followings
                                          2. God does not show favouritism, but accepts men from every nation
                                  2. Muslims Beleiefs
                                    1. Everyone is family in Islam
                                      1. Unity
                                        1. Brotherhood
                                          1. Muslims of all colours
                                            1. He's shocked all they pray to the same God
                                          2. God is more important than their race
                                            1. Islam is the religion of unity and peace
                                            2. In harjje everyone is equal
                                              1. What is sexism?
                                                1. sexist's comment's
                                                  1. Women should be housewives
                                                    1. Women Belong to men
                                                      1. Women are weak
                                                        1. Women aren't good at sports
                                                          1. These are all stereotypes that the world portray women
                                                  2. women had the right to vote in 1918 that was only 98 years ago
                                                    1. Women are independent
                                                      1. Women can be a bishop
                                                        1. Women get more money before
                                                          1. Women couldn't have academic institution
                                                      2. What are other types of prejudice?
                                                        1. Disability means when you either have something wrong with you mentally or physically
                                                          1. Lifestyle means how someone live their life that it effects there behaviour
                                                            1. Religious Prejudice
                                                              1. When your making a assumption about someone because of their religion
                                                              2. Ageism
                                                                1. Ageism is getting discriminated because of your age
                                                                2. Prejudice based on class, lifestyle and looks
                                                                  1. your being discriminated by how you look, your lifestyle and looks
                                                                  2. Disability discrimination
                                                                    1. Disability discrimination is you being disrespectful to people who have disabilities
                                                                  3. Is positive discrimination good for society
                                                                    1. Postive Discrimination is when you treat someone favourably either because of their race or gender
                                                                    2. What are religous attitudes to prejudice?
                                                                      1. Tolerance means respecting the beleifs and practices of others
                                                                        1. Justice means bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law.It includes making up for what has been done wrong
                                                                          1. Harmony means living in peace with others.
                                                                            1. Value of the individual means muslim and christians believe were all individual
                                                                            2. What are the different religous views on homosexuality
                                                                              1. Homosexual a person who is sexually atraccted to people attracted to people the same gender
                                                                                1. Heterosexual a person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender
                                                                                  1. Homophobia prejudice direct against homosexual people
                                                                                    1. Equality Act 2006


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