Application 2 : Agriculture


Mapa Mental sobre Application 2 : Agriculture, criado por thivyah_saran em 29-01-2016.
Mapa Mental por thivyah_saran, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por thivyah_saran aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Application 2 : Agriculture
  1. 2. Improving animal health
    1. Transgenic technologies used to improve animal health
      1. by increasing resistance to diseases
      2. transgenic dairy cows expressing lysostaphin (an antimicrobial) in their milk
        1. greater resistance to the mastitis-causing bacteria S. aureus
      3. 3. Improving food quality or making novel food products
        1. milk with extra casein
          1. requires less processing to make into cheese
            1. have increased calcium levels
          2. 1. Environmental sustainability
            1. Transgenic cows offer one way of reducing the environmental impact
              1. by improving farming efficiencies
                1. by reducing pollution

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