Issues in strategy


issues in strategy
Victor Hugo Vill7990
Mapa Mental por Victor Hugo Vill7990, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Victor Hugo Vill7990
Criado por Victor Hugo Vill7990 aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Issues in strategy
  1. A little bit of history
    1. Strategy is...
      1. Direction of organization
        1. Selection of Goals
          1. What are we going to offer?
            1. Products
              1. Services
              2. How we are going to coordinate our work?
              3. Young academic field
                1. Originated in business schools
                  1. Harvad taught the first business policy course
                    1. Became an standard for other Universities
                      1. No theorical, teach by
                        1. Experimented teachers or former general manangers
                          1. Explain cases most of the time
                            1. And not
                              1. Articles or books
                                1. Academics decide
                                  1. 1970 Make Research records
                                    1. Interest in plannig
                  2. 1980 Strategy Manangment Society was formed
                    1. Practitioners
                      1. Consultants
                        1. Academics
                        2. Chandler
                          1. Basis concepts
                          2. Andrews
                            1. Ansoff
                            2. 1960: Birth of strategic managment
                              1. Strategic adaptation
                                1. Growth of large businesses
                                  1. Explored how tehir administrative structures
                                    1. Adapted to accommodate that growth
                                      1. Like
                                        1. GM
                                          1. Sears
                                            1. EXXON
                                            2. Showed how executives
                                              1. Discovered
                                                1. Roles
                                                  1. Making long term
                                                    1. Decisions about the direction of their enterprises
                                                      1. Then
                                                        1. Invest
                                                          1. for
                                                            1. Strategy work
                                                          2. Modified
                                                            1. Organizational structure
                                                              1. Strategy work
                                                                1. Rather than
                                                                  1. Just effency
                                          2. Environment
                                            1. Constant change
                                              1. Opportunites and threats
                                                1. Organizations adapt
                                                  1. Strengths
                                                    1. take advantage of opportunities
                                                      1. Internal
                                                        1. Competencies
                                                          1. Plus Enviroment
                                                            1. Factor of success
                                                      2. Weaknesses
                                                        1. avoid threats
                                                2. Objetives + Purposes + Goals
                                                  1. And
                                                    1. Major policies and plans
                                                  2. Mid-1960
                                                    1. The Boston COnsulting Group BCG
                                                      1. Segmentation studies
                                                        1. Experience curve
                                                          1. growth-share matrix
                                                    2. 1970 Long-term-plannig
                                                      1. wasn´t working
                                                        1. Importance of enviroment
                                                        2. Diversification strategy
                                                        3. 1980
                                                          1. Porter
                                                            1. 5 forces
                                                          2. Allied disciplines
                                                            1. Economics
                                                              1. Sociology
                                                                1. Political science
                                                                  1. Psychology
                                                                  2. Has to do with
                                                                    1. Groups
                                                                      1. Beginning
                                                                        1. Continuing success
                                                                          1. To adapt to its context
                                                                        2. It has four fundamental questions
                                                                          1. How do firms behave?
                                                                            1. Why are firms different
                                                                              1. What is the function of value added by the headquarters unit in a diversified firm?
                                                                                1. What determines succes or failure in international competition


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