Machine scheduling


Mapa Mental sobre Machine scheduling, criado por hoàng đậu em 03-02-2016.
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Resumo de Recurso

Machine scheduling
  1. Single machine scheduling
    1. 1//Cmean & ΣCj
      1. SPT
        1. Increase of processing time
      2. 1//ΣwjCj
        1. WSPT
          1. Decrease of wj/pj
        2. 1//Tmax & Lmax
          1. EDD
            1. Increase of due date
          2. 1//ΣUj Number of Tardy job
            1. Moor’s algorithm
              1. Initial order = EDD
                1. Compare Cj and Dj
            2. 1//ΣTj & 1//ΣwjTj
              1. Branch and bound
                1. Dividing to small node
                  1. Comparing the lowest number to different level
                2. 1/prec/Tmax
                  1. Lawler’s algorithm
                    1. Choose lowest Tardiness to be last job
                      1. Choose jobs have no predecessor
                  2. Other scheduling method
                    1. FCFS
                      1. First come first serve
                      2. HWF
                        1. Heavy weight first
                      3. Notation
                        1. Prec
                          1. Precedence constraints
                          2. Initial order
                            1. Order before assigned or selected
                            2. Prmu
                              1. Permutation
                                1. The queues in front of each machine operates according to the FIFO discipline
                                  1. All jobs have unchaged order on machines
                                2. Flow shop
                                  1. Same order on machines
                                  2. Job shop
                                    1. Different order on machines
                                  3. More than 1 machine
                                    1. Pm /Cmax
                                      1. LPT
                                        1. assigns the m longest jobs to the m machines
                                          1. The next longest job for freed machine
                                        2. Pm /ΣCj
                                          1. McNaughton algorithm
                                            1. Initial order = SPT
                                              1. Assign jobs to m machines in rotation
                                            2. F2|prmu|Cmax (Flow shop)
                                              1. Johnson’s rule (only for 2 machines)
                                                1. 2 set
                                                  1. Set 1 = p1j<p2j
                                                    1. SPT of machine 1
                                                    2. Set 2 = p1j>p2j
                                                      1. LPT of machines 2
                                                    3. Set 1 go first then set 2
                                                2. Remember to find both order and objective
                                                  1. Rotation


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