Social Identity Theory Evaluation


Psychology (Social Identity Theory) Mapa Mental sobre Social Identity Theory Evaluation, criado por pmfisher1996 em 12-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por pmfisher1996, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por pmfisher1996 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Social Identity Theory Evaluation
  1. The theory has evidence from minimal group studies such as Tajfel (1970)
    1. Which demonstrate that being part of a group is sufficient to lead to prejudice against people not within that group
    2. Tajfel is a lab based experiment which suffers from low ecological validity as it is carried out in an artificial setting
      1. It understimates the importance of individual differences, some people have a much greater tendency than others to favour in group over out group
        1. depending on thier personality
        2. The theory can explain wide ranges of real life phenomena ranging from support for football teams to racism
          1. and can be applied to a wide range of social situations
          2. e.g. football violence occurs because fans compare with other fans ( of other teams) to raise their own self esteem
            1. Sherif's Robbers Cave study provides further evidence for SIT
              1. In that 2 groups showed prejudice before competition was introduced and showed in group favouritsm


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