Patents and Monopolies


History AS (Crown, Parliament and Authority) (James I) Mapa Mental sobre Patents and Monopolies, criado por Katie Difford em 12-04-2013.
Katie Difford
Mapa Mental por Katie Difford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Criado por Katie Difford mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Patents and Monopolies
  1. Long-standing grievances of the Commons
    1. Had been declared illegal by judges in 1603
      1. But James continued to use them
      2. Bacon lost his titles and was fined £40,000
        1. By 1621, the Court and James' favourites were heavily implicated in the sleaze surrounding monopolies. Commons demanded an inquiry
          1. Led to revival of impeachment
          2. Offered a way of attacking a royal minister who had become corrupt and unpopular
            1. Lord Chancellor Bacon became the "fall guy" rather than Buckingham. Chief referees of patents
              1. James under pressure from court factions had to let Bacon fall. Charged with over 20 counts of corruption


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