conformity: types & explanations


AS - Level psychology (chapter 1 - social influence ) Mapa Mental sobre conformity: types & explanations, criado por Daisy U em 10-02-2016.
Daisy  U
Mapa Mental por Daisy U, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Criado por Daisy U aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

conformity: types & explanations
  1. types of conformity
    1. Kelman - 3 ways people conform
      1. internalisation
        1. private and public change
          1. strongest
            1. what is right
            2. identification
              1. something we value/ identify to them
                1. change publicly even if not entirely privately
                2. compliance
                  1. weakest
                    1. change publicly not privately
                      1. to be liked
                  2. explanations for conformity
                    1. informational social influence
                      1. to be right
                        1. cognitive (what we think)
                          1. who has the better information
                            1. happens in new situations - where there is ambiguity
                              1. or a crisis situation
                              2. leads to internalisation
                              3. normative social influence
                                1. to be liked
                                  1. gain social approval
                                    1. emotional
                                      1. leads to compliance
                                    2. evaluation
                                      1. research support for ISI
                                        1. Lucas
                                          1. answer to a maths question
                                            1. more difficult they complied
                                              1. especially if their maths was poor
                                        2. individual differences in NSI
                                          1. people who are less concerned with being rejected
                                            1. McGhee & Teevan
                                              1. students who need high affiliation were more likely to conform
                                          2. ISI and NSI work together
                                            1. Deutsch & Gerrard
                                              1. they work separately
                                              2. Asch
                                                1. partner
                                                  1. reduce power of NSI (social support)
                                                    1. reduces ISI (alternative source of info)
                                              3. evaluation +
                                                1. dual differences in ISI
                                                  1. Asch
                                                    1. some students less conformist than other (25% rather than 37%)
                                                      1. Perin
                                                        1. engineering students
                                                          1. didn't conform
                                                  2. research support for NSI
                                                    1. Asch
                                                      1. people went along just because others did
                                                        1. self - conscious
                                                          1. afraid of disapproval


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