

Aussi Lim
Mapa Mental por Aussi Lim, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aussi Lim
Criado por Aussi Lim quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Periphrial Device
    1. Input Device
      1. Keyboard
        1. Mouse
          1. Joystick
          2. Output Device
            1. Speaker
              1. To output the other persons voice in skype
                1. Scanner/Printer
                2. Storage Systems
                  1. USB Stick
                    1. SD card (In camaras most of the time)
                      1. Ram
                    2. Application Software
                      1. Microsoft
                        1. Microsoft Word
                          1. Microsoft Powerpoint
                            1. Microsoft Publisher
                            2. Video Games
                              1. Chess
                              2. Facebook/Twitter/Gmail
                              3. Inside or Outside A Desktop/Laptop
                                1. Inside A desktop or laptop
                                  1. Microprocesser
                                    1. Intel Core I5
                                      1. AMD
                                      2. Hardware
                                        1. Mother Board
                                          1. CPU
                                            1. Graphics Card
                                          2. Outside a Desktop or Laptop
                                            1. Monitor
                                              1. The Desktop System
                                          3. Operating Systems
                                            1. Microsoft/Windows
                                              1. Microsoft Lumia phone
                                              2. Apple/Mac OS/IOS
                                                1. IOS Phones
                                                2. Android/Samsung
                                                  1. Galaxy Note 5
                                                3. By: Austin L.
                                                  1. Computer Programming Course
                                                    1. Due: 2016/02/17
                                                      1. For: Mr. Chumak


                                                        Roma Antiga
                                                        Professor Junior
                                                        Poder Constituinte
                                                        Jay Benedicto
                                                        English General Quiz
                                                        Luiz Fernando
                                                        Expressões em inglês #1
                                                        Eduardo .
                                                        Simulado de Química
                                                        Marina Faria
                                                        Sala de Aula Invertida
                                                        Mapas Mentais em Sala de Aula
                                                        GoConqr suporte .
                                                        Quiz de biologia
                                                        Plano de estudos ENEM - Parte 2 *Exatas/Biológicas
                                                        Alice Sousa
                                                        RESUMO DE LITERATURA (PARTE 1)
                                                        Ana Loss
                                                        Patologia Geral - Hipertensão Arterial (Geral)