Food and Fasting


Islam (Religious and spiritual experience) Mapa Mental sobre Food and Fasting, criado por harrisono em 21-12-2013.
Mapa Mental por harrisono, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por harrisono quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Food and Fasting
  1. Ramadan
    1. Sawm - fasting
      1. Fast during all daylight hours
        1. Should not eat, drink, smoke, or have sexual activity
          1. Refrain from anger and aggression
            1. More time to read and worship from Qur'an
              1. Special prayers every night - tarawih
              2. Iftah meal breaks fast at the end of the day
                1. 'Oh God! We have fasted and now we break the fast with the food you have given us'
                2. Nothing should pass the lips
              3. 9th month of Islamic calendar
                1. Ends with big celebration - Eid-ul-Fitr
                2. Fard for adults
                  1. Children, menstruating, pregnant or breastfeeding women, the old, the sick and travellers are exempt
                  2. 'O believers, you must fast so that you might learn self restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during a fixed number of days'
                  3. Aims of sawm
                    1. Develop self control
                      1. Restrain passion and appetite
                        1. Prepare for future sufferings
                          1. Experience hunger - sympathy for the poor
                            1. Gain spiritual strength
                              1. Experience companionship through shared ordeals - ummah
                              2. Islamic Diet
                                1. Halal - allowed
                                  1. All meat slaughtered by halal method
                                    1. Dhabiah
                                    2. Fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds
                                    3. Haram - forbidden
                                      1. Pork
                                        1. Viewed as unclean - eats excrement
                                          1. No animal fats, gelatine etc
                                          2. Can only eat when no other food is available
                                            1. 'If a person is forced because there is no other choice, neither craving nor transgressing, there is no sin committed. Indeed, Allah is forgiving, merciful'
                                          3. Food should not be wasted


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