River Flooding - Causes


GCSE Geography (Rivers) Mapa Mental sobre River Flooding - Causes, criado por Emily Gibson em 22-12-2013.
Emily Gibson
Mapa Mental por Emily Gibson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emily Gibson
Criado por Emily Gibson quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

River Flooding - Causes
  1. Prolonged rainfall
    1. Long period of rain - soil become saturated
      1. Further rainfall can't infiltrate - increases run-off into rivers
        1. Increases discharge
      2. Heavy rainfall
        1. A lot of runoff - increases discharge quickly
        2. Snowmelt
          1. A lot of snow or ice melts into river in short space of time
            1. Increases discharge quickly
          2. Relief
            1. If steep sided valley - water will reach river channel much quicker
              1. Increases discharge quickly
            2. Geology
              1. If river in area of impermeable rock, more water flowing on surface
                1. More runoff - risk of flooding higher
                2. Deforestation
                  1. Trees take in water (leaves, roots)
                    1. Cutting down trees increases volume of water that goes to river
                      1. Increases discharge
                      2. Causes soil errosion
                        1. So soil washed away - raises river bed
                          1. Reduces volume of water river can hold
                        2. Urbanisation
                          1. Buildings with impermeable surfaces (roads, concrete)
                            1. Increases surface runoff
                              1. Increases discharge quickly


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