receptors which
are sensitive to
blood tempreture
in brain
When change is sensed it causes
a response in the Dermis
When too hot:
relax so
hairs lie
evaporates to
transfer heat
blood vessels widen so more blood
flows near the surface
When too cold:
Erector muscles
contract so hairs
stand up to trap a
layer of air
The blood vessels narrow so less
blood can flow near the surface so
less heat is lost
sending signals to
the brain carrying
information about
water content in
The brain processes the information and
sends signals to the kidneys regulating the
water in the urine.
The signal is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in
the brain. The blood carries the hormone to the kidneys.
water content of the blood it high
less hormone is released.
less hormone means more water passes through the
Kidneys produce more urine
water content of the blood is too low, more
hormone is released
more hormone means less water passes through
kidneys produce a small volume of urine
Blood Glucose
This is controlled to provide cells with a constant supply of energy. The blood
sugar level is controlled by the release and storage of glucose, which is in turn
controlled by a hormone called insulin
Glucose too high
insulin secreted into the blood
liver converts glucose into
Glucose level goes
Glucose too low
insulin not secreted into the blood
liver does not convert glucose into
The normal level of glucose
in the blood is about 90mg
per 10cm3 of blood
The pancreas releases glucagon when sugar levels
fall This causes the cells in the liver to turn
glycogen back into glucose which can then be
released into the blood.
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