Tension is often created between 'new' and 'old'. To what effect do writers make use of such tension in at least two works you have studied.


International Baccalaureate English Lang & LIt HL Mapa Mental sobre Tension is often created between 'new' and 'old'. To what effect do writers make use of such tension in at least two works you have studied., criado por Beezle em 17-02-2016.
Mapa Mental por Beezle, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Beezle aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Tension is often created between 'new' and 'old'. To what effect do writers make use of such tension in at least two works you have studied.
  1. ULOB
    1. Thomas & Tereza
      1. The other women that Thomas has
        1. Sabina
          1. Sabina (Old) finding a job for Tereza (New) when she first comes to Prague
      2. Sabina Franz
        1. Sabina is more part fo the new age of woman
          1. When Sabina goes to the show hosted by Franz's wife
            1. Gets
          2. Sabina and Thomas's Son
            1. His unanswered (new) letters to Sabina (old)
          3. Gatsby
            1. His old and new life, stuck in the pasta and the now
              1. Bootlegging- part of the new age (at the time)
                1. Love for Daisy
                  1. Part of the past that Gatsby is hanging on to and creating himself rather than paying attention to what is happening at the time
                  2. Don't know what page but at some point Nick says 'You can't repeat the past' and Gatsby says 'Yes, you can'
                    1. G wants to live in the perfect past, where he has money, Daisy and all is good
                      1. Daisy a symbol for Gatsby of the past
                        1. After they hit the guy with the car, and G is outside D's house, he is not onyl clinging on to Daisy (the coporial person) but also the image of the past that he has built up around her
                        2. The women's role- new and old
                          1. New- Doing things on there own/having a life outside of Men (Jordan)
                            1. Old- Being tied to a man and going along with them without own thought (Daisy)
                            2. New money - Gatsby
                            3. Compare a few characters:
                              1. Tom - Myrtle
                                1. Jordan - Sabina
                                  1. Tomas - Tereza


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