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Mapa Mental sobre BURDENS & SERVITUDES, criado por mary1503 em 14-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
quase 12 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
burdens, servitudes and long leases create title conditions
on land & hertibale property
real burdens & servitudes run with the land
affect benefited owner (dominant/benefited tenement)
affect benefited tenant (servient/burdend tenement)
real burdens creation of fuedal land system
appeared late 18th century
contract between superior and vassal
expressed in a deed is easy to prove
creature of contract in fuedal form
burdens are strictly interpreted
must stand on its own & not refer to something outwith the deed
Aberdeen Varieties Ltd v James F Donald (Aberdeen Cinemas)
person selling smaller pieces of ground
has power to create real burdens
purchaser of smaller ground has to abide by the burden
contractual in nature, encompass wide legal form of interpretation
needs to be retained right to enforce the burden
registered in Land Register/Register of Sasines
Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 s1(1)
real burden is encumberance on the land, constituted in favour of the owner of the land
in that persons capacity as owner of that land
abolition of fuedal land system abolished - fuedal conditions are abolished
but real burdens continue to exist, provided ther is a benefited property (dominent tenant)
and burdened property (servient tenement)
governing law Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003
two types of real burden
1) affirmative burdens - obligations to do something
such as maintain a boundary
2) negative burdens - obligations not to do something
such as not play tennis on a Sunday
Marsden v Craighelen Lawn Tennis & Squash Club
still possible to create a real burden
usually in just 2 circumstances
1) when land is subdivided
2) when land is developed
have legal effect once created
must be entered into the deeds General Register of sasines OR title sheets (Land Register) of both affected properties
Property transferred to Land Register on first registration
Keeper will copy the wording of the previous burdens from existing sasine deeds
Keeper will state deed original burden is in
then - narrate the wording of the burden in full
contrast with servitudes they don't appear on GRS, unless constituted in a written deed
Keeper will note servitudes created by implication/prescription
theses servitudes are 'overriding interests'
extinction of a real burden by 4 means
1) by minute of waiver - where all parties agree to remove/restrict operations of real burdens
2) by Land Tribunal application - by owner of burdened property and served on all interested parties
3) by negative prescription and acquiesence - after 5yrs a material breach of a real burden can extinguish it by negative prescription
s18 2003 Act and formerly 20 yrs
by acquiesence if owners of the benefited property(ies) have consented to the breach
or if work carried out by the burdened proprietor renders the enforcement of the burden impossible as specified in the burden
benefited proprietor knew or ought reasonably to have known about the work and didn't object or enforce their interest
Robson v Chalmers
4) operation of sunset rule
intended to enable obsolete burdens to be removed
where burden is over 100 years old
owner of burdened property draws up notice of termination
must be served on owners of all benefitted properties
publicised by attachment of copy of notice to burdened properties
attached to nearby lampposts
burden will cease unless objection is made to Land Tribunals
within 8 weeks by benefited party wishing burden to remain
product of Roman Law
many presumed but some are registered
most arise by informal agreement and use
created by express deed
by use followed by positive prescription (20yrs)
by implication
example of in Bowers v Kennedy
previously benefited right of access became landlocked, there always exists an implied right of access
Note: as a result access is an imprescribable servitude right
owner of landlocked property would still have a right of access
Inverness Seafield Co Ltd v Mackintosh
Division of benefited property
could lead to proliferation of benefited properties
but there is Civiliter Rule
states a burdened servitude cannot be increased
to detriment of burdened proprietor
rule applies where propety has benefit of access right is divided
potentially multiplying the user and the use of access
increase would contravene the civiliter rule
extinguished by formal discharge
granted by all benefited parties
application to Lands Tribunal
non use - prescriptive period 20 yrs
note: this is different period from that of real burdens
also note Bowers v Kennedy
example of an imprescribable servitude
activity of burdened proprietor inconsistent
with future exercise of the servitude
where consent given or no objection made within reasonable time
benefited proprietor knew or ought reaonably to have know of the works in question
Robson v Chalmers Property Investment Co Ltd
by confusion
occurs where benefited and burdened properties come into single ownership
but not clear whether they revive when the ownership is divided again
Land Tribunal
effectively: independent civil court
statutory powers to deal with variety of disputes
involving land or property
can act as an arbitrator on request from the parties
deal with any type of dispute
authority of operation: Land Tribunals Act 1949
purely a statutory court
jurisdiction to hear disputes arising from the statute
also jurisdiction for servitudes by written deed only
but not by informal agreement
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