The Nervous System


Degree Anatomy and Physiology - BMS 131 (The Nervous System) Mapa Mental sobre The Nervous System, criado por e-a-jones em 31-12-2013.
Mapa Mental por e-a-jones, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por e-a-jones quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Nervous System
  1. Central Nervous System - Consists of:
    1. Brain
      1. Spinal Cord
      2. PNS - Consists of:
        1. Everything leading to and from the CNS
          1. 12 Cranial Nerve
            1. 31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves
            2. Somatic
              1. Skeletal Muscle
                1. Convey from mainly external receptors
                2. Autonomic
                  1. Convey from mainly internal receptors
                    1. Sympathetic/Parasympathetic
                      1. fight or flight
                        1. Digestion, Urination
                    2. Integrating System
                      1. Neurons
                        1. Functional unit of the nervous system
                          1. Synapses
                            1. Axon meets the dendrite of another
                              1. Synaptic buton
                                1. Voltage gated Calcium channels
                                  1. Ca++ enters cell and released neurotransmitter
                              2. Synaptic cleft
                                1. Post synaptic recptors are ligand gated
                                  1. Sodium Channel
                                    1. Produce a positive voltage
                                      1. Stimulation - something happen, continue delpolarisation
                                    2. Chlorine
                                      1. Produce a negative voltage
                                    3. Several presynaptic, synapse on same post synaptic - info is lost. (convergence)
                                      1. Presynaptic head meets sevel post synaptic - Info spread (diviergence)
                                      2. Neurotransmitters
                                        1. Acetylcholine
                                      3. Axon
                                        1. Cell body
                                          1. Dendrite
                                            1. Recieve incoming info
                                            2. Unipolar/Bipolar/Multipolar
                                            3. resting - Pump sodium out of the cel, creating a - charge inside the cell compared to the outside
                                              1. Sodium channels are closed - no way to reenter
                                                1. However when a neuron is stimulated, these channels open
                                                  1. This creates a positve charge inside as the sodium moves in.
                                                    1. Ion channels are voltage gated.
                                                2. ALL OR NONE!
                                                3. Myelination
                                                  1. CNS = Oligodendycites
                                                    1. PNS= Schwann Cells
                                                    2. Saltortary Conduction
                                                      1. Glial Cells
                                                        1. CNS
                                                          1. ASTROCYTES = Nutrition
                                                            1. Microglia = Removal of debris
                                                          2. Neuronal cell body collections
                                                            1. Ganglia = PNS
                                                              1. Nuclei =CNS


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