

History Mapa Mental sobre Feudalism, criado por sulemanadam99 em 14-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por sulemanadam99, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sulemanadam99 mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. William became king and changed way in which England ruled: set up feudal system!.
    1. didnt want the English nobles to remain poeweful in case they tried to rebel against him
      1. promised his supporters land as a reward
      2. Ranks
        1. King
          1. William
            1. had complete control
          2. Barons
            1. Tennants in chief (200-300)
              1. given land
                1. provide knights for king
                  1. swore oath of loyalty
                    1. had knights to guard their castles/defence
                      1. chosen by king
                        1. wealthy
                          1. promised to provide mounted knights 40 days/year
                          2. Knights
                            1. under tenants
                              1. given land by tenants in chief
                              2. chosen by baron
                                1. not as wealthy as barons
                                  1. promised to serve in army 40 days/year
                                    1. had to fight for baron/promised loyalty
                                      1. about 2000
                                      2. Peasants
                                        1. given land by knights to farm
                                          1. had to be loyal to knights
                                            1. protected by knights
                                              1. 1.5 million
                                                1. serve knights
                                                  1. poor
                                                    1. promised service to the knights
                                                      1. freemen/villeins
                                                    2. Castles built: originally simple structures on hills, wooden ones could rot/burn downlater more intricate
                                                      1. stone keep
                                                        1. drawbridge
                                                          1. ditch/moat
                                                            1. portcullis
                                                              1. weapons: ballista (catapult)
                                                              2. Domesday book
                                                                1. census
                                                                  1. information on who owned what
                                                                    1. very detailed
                                                                    2. A system based on exchange of land for services instead of rent
                                                                      1. A herarchy


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