Henry VIII exam question points to reference


Mapa Mental sobre Henry VIII exam question points to reference, criado por Palmers History em 21-02-2016.
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Henry VIII exam question points to reference
  1. Government
    1. Transformation in GoVt?
      1. Was there a transformation?
        1. Parliament's role increased
          1. Factions at court dominated at end of HVIII's reign?
            1. Ministers' roles increased
          2. Wolsey
            1. Factors for Wolsey's downfall
              1. Anulment
                1. Opposition at Court
                  1. Foreign Policy
                    1. Personal Failings
                  2. Cromwell
                    1. Cromwell responsible for change?
                      1. Yes
                        1. No
                      2. Foreign Policy
                        1. Early FP
                          1. HVIII responsible?
                            1. Wolsey's FP - success/failure
                              1. Peace
                                1. Aims of HVIII
                                  1. Promotion of English interests
                                2. Late FP
                                  1. War with France
                                    1. Success
                                      1. Failure
                                  2. Religion
                                    1. Did the Church really change during the Reformation?
                                      1. Causes of The Reformation
                                        1. Protestant Ideas
                                          1. Other
                                            1. Male Heir
                                              1. Anti-Clericalism
                                              2. Pilgrimage of Grace
                                                1. Causes
                                                  1. Dissolution of Monastaries
                                                    1. Economic
                                                2. Domestic Policies
                                                  1. Wolsey's policies
                                                    1. success/failure
                                                      1. Opposition to them
                                                      2. Unrest/Rebellions
                                                        1. Causes
                                                          1. Religion
                                                            1. Economic
                                                              1. Social
                                                                1. Other
                                                              2. Economic Policy
                                                                1. Success?
                                                                  1. Failure?


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