Fall of Empires


Mapa Mental sobre Fall of Empires, criado por Julia Poggi em 23-02-2016.
Julia Poggi
Mapa Mental por Julia Poggi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Julia Poggi
Criado por Julia Poggi mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Fall of Empires
  1. Roman
    1. Internal
      1. Inflation
        1. No $ for armies
          1. Bad control over army and citizens
            1. Unsafe empire
              1. Vulnerable
                1. External
            2. Mines ran dry
              1. Taxes raised
                1. Big gap between rich and poor
            3. External
              1. Invasions by Germanic tribes
                1. Sack of Rome in 410
                  1. Visogoths
                  2. 4th crusade
                    1. Sack of Constantinople
                    2. Huns scared Ostrogoths
                      1. Ostrogoths fled and invaded visogoths
                        1. Visogoths invaded Roman empire
                  3. too big
                  4. Islam
                    1. too big
                      1. Sack of Baghdad
                        1. 1258
                          1. Mongols
                            1. Economy devastated
                              1. Abbasiads split up into many caliphates
                              2. Shia sunni divide
                                1. leadership
                                  1. Shia believed in ali
                                  2. 2 caliphates formed
                                    1. Ummayads
                                      1. Abbasids overthow ummayads
                                2. Byzantine
                                  1. Sack of Constantinople
                                    1. 4th crusade
                                      1. 1202
                                        1. Scatter from city
                                          1. Broken economy
                                            1. Loss of learning
                                              1. Disruption of trade
                                                1. Bad centralized government
                                            2. Fall of Constantinople
                                              1. 1453
                                                1. Ottomans
                                              2. Frankish Kingdoms
                                                1. Charlemagne's death
                                                  1. Split up for his sons
                                                    1. loss of centralized gov.
                                                      1. undivided
                                                  2. Viking invasions
                                                    1. Charlemagne's death
                                                      1. Weakened kingdom
                                                    2. Afrcia
                                                      1. Great Zimbabwe
                                                        1. NO ONE KNOWS
                                                        2. Mali, Ghana
                                                          1. Mali conquered Ghana
                                                            1. Songhai conquered Mali
                                                            2. Ran out of gold
                                                              1. salt and gold trade disrupted
                                                                1. Economy devastated
                                                              2. Weak leaders
                                                              3. Eastern city states
                                                                1. Portugese conquest
                                                                  1. Portugese wanted control over trade
                                                                    1. Indian and Asian monsoon trade
                                                                    2. Portugese disrupted trade
                                                                      1. Economy devastated
                                                                      2. canons
                                                                  2. TOO BIG
                                                                    1. Centralized government not strong
                                                                      1. disloyal troops
                                                                        1. no longer roman
                                                                        2. very small connection to local gov.
                                                                      2. Economy devastated
                                                                        1. people fled cities
                                                                          1. loss of learning
                                                                            1. loss of social structure
                                                                            2. trade disrupted
                                                                              1. isolation
                                                                                1. less money for gov.
                                                                                  1. armies weak
                                                                                    1. vulnerable for attack
                                                                                  2. Higher taxes
                                                                                    1. No middle class
                                                                                2. Mogols
                                                                                  1. too big
                                                                                    1. Ghengis Kahn dies
                                                                                      1. divided into Khanates
                                                                                      2. policy of tolerance
                                                                                        1. Mongols become the different cultures
                                                                                          1. Integrated into different cultures
                                                                                            1. Divide
                                                                                              1. No longer a unified Empire
                                                                                                1. Faded
                                                                                      3. China
                                                                                        1. sui
                                                                                          1. tang
                                                                                            1. Song
                                                                                              1. Overthrown by Mongols
                                                                                              2. Overtaxed peasants
                                                                                                1. Internal revolts
                                                                                              3. internal revolts
                                                                                                1. Overworked


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