Aristotle Context (384-322 bc)


University Political Ideas in Revolution Mapa Mental sobre Aristotle Context (384-322 bc), criado por Saoirse Burnell em 04-01-2014.
Saoirse Burnell
Mapa Mental por Saoirse Burnell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Saoirse Burnell
Criado por Saoirse Burnell quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Aristotle Context (384-322 bc)
  1. Politics
    1. Man is zoon politikon


      • Political and social creatures that must live ethical and harmonious life with others
    2. Nichomachean Ethics
      1. Book V - Theory of Justice
        1. Equality is linked to justice
          1. Arithmetic equality
            1. Corrective/refectory justice
              1. All men are equal in eyes of law both in terms of involuntary (criminal) law and voluntary (keeping of contracts) law.


                • If one man murders another he is affecting the equality of men, refectory justice alters this distubance
              2. Proportional/geomentric equality
                1. Distributive Justice
                  1. There are goods to be distributed and this may be unequally but justice is still relevant


                    • Eg. two people, one flute yet only one can play, flute should go to the flute player
                    1. Treating equals equally and unequals unequally
          2. Athens along with Plato
            1. Wasn't native to Athens (Alien)
              1. Part of Greek Enlightenment


                • Growth of Philosophy and exclusion of myth
              2. Democracy
                1. Most citizens worked and couldn't indulge in political activity
                  1. Political equality
                    1. One man one vote
                    2. Equality before the law
                      1. Regardless of wealth
                      2. Natural equality
                        1. Everyone has valuable contribution to make
                        2. Both Plato and Aristotle argue for aristocracy not democracy
                          1. Pericles Funeral Orientation gives intellectual justification for democracy
                          2. Best way of ruling? Aristocracy. See note.


                            • Goods = Poltical Power Population = citizen body Standard of distribution?? If standard is; wealth = oligarchy citizenship = democract merit (wisdom + virtue) = aristocracy This is an example of distributive justice.


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