ICT Task


Mapa Mental sobre ICT Task, criado por wordsworthj em 07-01-2014.
Mapa Mental por wordsworthj, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por wordsworthj mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

ICT Task
  1. Accounts
    1. Simple spreadsheet
      1. Till automatically files and records
      2. House style
        1. Same between both businesses
          1. Looks friendly and professional
            1. Timeless style decreases update requirement
            2. Locally sourced food
              1. If quality wasn't found local, would extend further
                1. Organic food
                2. Advertising
                  1. Launched with facebook advertising
                    1. No longer pay for advertising
                      1. Win awards for advertisement
                        1. Magazines "not worth paying for advertisement"
                        2. Website
                          1. Target females
                            1. Webiste "slightly confusing" with two different things for dining and cafe
                            2. Enviro friendly
                              1. Car chargers outside
                                1. uses 1 litre cubed of water per day
                                  1. uses thermal heating
                                    1. wood fire
                                  2. Location
                                    1. Seaside
                                      1. In a carpark


                                      REAÇÕES QUÍMICAS
                                      O Cortiço
                                      Alessandra S.
                                      Guia de Estudos para OAB 1a Fase
                                      Alessandra S.
                                      Cinemática Escalar: Conceitos fundamentais
                                      Bruno Fernandes3682
                                      Glossário de Biologia
                                      Alessandra S.
                                      As 22 consagradas leis do Marketing
                                      Cristiano Bertul
                                      DOCÊNCIA NO ENSINO SUPERIOR
                                      SIQUELE CAMPELO
                                      07 - (Servidores Federais) - Lei 8.112/90 - Dos Direitos e Vantagens
                                      Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                      Conhecimentos Gerais
                                      GoConqr suporte .
                                      FlashCards para apresentação da disciplina
                                      Jizabely Atanasio