Shakespeare's own sonnets mostly focus on nature, sea & navigation (rival poet's power/constant nature of true love
Wrote approx 150
Over half of sonnets (earlier sonnets) are about a fair young man
Later section are about dark female lover
Sonnet 18 (xviii)
Opening line: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Question conveys a musing tone
Connotations of 'summer': warmth, happiness.
Similar to The Sun Rising because both are above natural things - ie sun is a nuisance in TSR and in here his lover is 'more lovely' than a summer's day
Central idea: Compares lover to the summer, but decides they're much nicer. Focused on everything changing except his love's beauty.
'Thy eternal summer shall not fade'
despite the changing of nature (he is 'more temperate'), he will remain the samre
Apostrophe - 'thee' 'thou' - direct address
Form: Sonnet, so typical Shakespearean sonnet format.
Consistency of rhythm. Iambic pentameter
it's easy breezy, just like his love
'Thou (informal, shows familiarity) art more lovely and temperate'
more predictable and calmer than the weather
Challenges the beauty of mother nature
'Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May'
2nd quatrain
His 'gold complexion dimm'd'
talking about the sun when it is cloudy
But lover's 'eternal summer shall not fade'
Connotations of happiness here. His lover is the only constant amid a sea of variables
3rd quatrain
Realistic: eternal lines will carry on his beauty
Final line: So long lives this, and this gives life to thee
Immortalises him through poetry and genetics, thwarts challenges of time
Caesura slows the pace and breaks the rhythm. Lengthens the line
Sonnet 20
'How do I love thee?' - Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1806-1861
Contextual info: age of Victorian Industrial revolution
Pre-occupation with feelings. Society itself suppresses outbursts of emotion
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways./ I love thee to the depth and breadth and height"
Monosyllabic - indicating purity and intensity of emotions
Spondee to begin with?
'depth' & 'breadth' - internal rhyme
Petrarchan sonnet
Anaphora: 'I love thee' - thee meaning her soon-to-be husband, Robert Browning. Personal
All encompassing love
Voice: first person. Telling things to a silent person
'with a love I seemed to lose'
faces prospect of lost love? But their love is eternal?
'I shall but love thee better after death.'
Eternal love
Pace is slow and contemplative - caesura
Poetry techniques & significances
Monosyllabic lines
Convey intense emotions
increases musicality and emotional appeal
I.e. rhyme, rhythm, assonance, alliteration
i.e time
Paradoxical lines
represents the contradictions that love breeds
expressed through final couplet which contradicts prev argument
opposing words
sharp & striking effects
Internal rhyme
unifying effect
emphasises meanings of words
creates symmetry & pattern
emotionally charged words, increases emotional appeal of he poems
For Shakespeare, common theme is time's destructive power
John Donne - Metaphysical poetry (1572-1631)
Early modern English
Metaphysicals challenged conventions of Elizabethan poetry
Used conceits (witty or unusual comparisons)
Unusual metaphors
Rugged/dramatic vocab
Intellectual ideas and philosophical speculation
The Flea
3 stanzas
3 rhyming couplets and a triplet
'The Sun Rising'
Central idea: orders the sun around, degrades its status. Place him and his lover at the centre of all importance.
the sun is their servant
3 stanzas, 10 lines each
Regular, alternate rhyme
Alexandrine at the end of each stanza - also 12 syllables. Couplet.
2 quatrains and a couplet
First 2 lines are trochaic, then returns to iambic pentameter
What is the effect of this?
Opening line: Busy old fool, unruly Sun
2 strong stresses - spondee
Apostrophe as there is direct address towards the sun
Different to conventional approaches towards the sun in love poetry - common for poets to compare their lover to the sun, to say they are just as amazing etc (sonnet 18). But here, the sun is a nuisance.
sexual, lively, persistent
'go chide / late school boys'
bother someone else, not use
but also there is teeming life around the lovers
Asyndetic listing: 'Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time'
They don't have the same worries as other people. Exist outside the markers of time
Context: written during a time when Copernicus' heliocentric theory had been strongly rejected by the Catholic church
JD must have known about this
'unruly' - the sun has challenged the church
Rejects the theory through degrading of the sun - restores medieval concept where earth is in the centre. HOWEVER Donne goes a step further by placing him and his lover in the centre
The Earth rules supreme
Boastful tone
'She's all states, and all Princes I'
He's still better than her.
Caesura - he is in charge of the reader, just as he is in charge of the sun and his lover
Can 'eclipse' the sun in a 'wink', but he won't because he would 'lose her sight so long'
The Garden of Love - William Blake
Central idea: The church is shrouded in hypocrisy and where it claims to be a cause for happiness, it is not
Iambic tetrameter - simple, springy nursery rhyme rhythm which creates feeling of innocence
Combination of simple form/structure contrasts with darker subject matter - emphasises his point. Almost ironic because of this, reflecting the hypocrisy of the church
Arranged in three quatrains - regular
'Priests in their gowns, were walking their rounds / And binding with briars, my joys and desires.
Final 2 lines have two sets of internal rhymes, causing changes to the regular rhythm.
Plosive alliteration - shows Blake's anger
10 and 12 syllables in these lines instead of 8
Because of this and because of internal rhyme, the poem doesn't feel 'complete' - sense of an open end making the poem feel incomplete - just as the Church continued to grow in influence around England
'Tombstones where flowers should be' - ominous
'To His Coy Mistress' Andrew Marvell. (Also a metaphysical poet)
Central idea: man trying to convince his mistress to have sex with him in a 'carpe diem' format
Addressed to a silent recipient
Rhyming couplets throughout
Couplets had a lyrical quality - keeps the reader interested
Regularity suggests well thought out argument
Draws upon courtly love - 'coy' means to play hard to get, to be reserved
Coy - appear innocent but provocative undertones
3 stanzas - irregular in length
20 lines, 12 lines, 14 lines - hasn't got time to make sure they're all equal in length?
Iambic tetrameter
Opening line: 'Had we but world enough, and time / This coyness, lady, were no crime'
Direct address - apostrophe
Supporter of Cromwell - became a republic for a short time
Civil war
'Mistress' = lady. Possessive determiner - she's a possession
Uses blazon
fragmentation/objectification/sexualisation of women's bodies
'Two hundred to adore each breast'
apotheosis of women
Regal imagery ties into the apotheosis of women idea
'by the Indian Ganges' side' - she is exotic
But he is ordinary by comparison - 'I by the tide / Of Humber'
'Humber' = Hull - the area he represented in politics. Much less exciting than rubies etc
'My vegetable love should grow'
Wit. Phallic imagery.
'Vegetable' is elongated to fit the meter of the poem
2nd stanza - describes how he doesn't have time to appreciate her 'till the conversion of the Jews' because he can 'always hear / Time's winged chariot hurrying near'
so they should seize the day
Logical - time isn't endless for them
Their reality.
'Deserts of vast eternity.'
Stressed, emphasis on notions of his ideas
end stop line
Not an inviting afterlife
More reason to seize today while they are alive and well
'Worms shall try / That long preserved virginity'
Virginity is useless when dead as worms will violate your body regardless
Contrast to 'The Anniversary' where they will merely be in two separate graves - rotting is not discussed
The grave is 'fine' and 'private' 'but nothing is better than 'there embrace'
3rd stanza
'Now let us sport us while we may'
physical act of sex
'Now' reinforces the carpe diem tone
Finally, 'Thus' - language of an argument.
Wants to 'make' the sun 'run' - wants to be in charge. Time is the enemy
'Meeting Point' by Louis MacNeice
Opening line: Time was away and somewhere else
Final line: Time was away and she was here
'She' is all that matters
Begins and ends in the same place - time truly has stopped. Nothing has moved forward
8 regular stanzas - ordinary. Reinforces the ordinary scene
'moving stairs'; 'the clock' ; 'cups and plates'
Use of refrain
First and last line of each stanza is the same
Cyclical motion - never ending. Moving but not growing
Iambic tetrameter
Alternate rhyme scheme - ABAB
Quotidian language interjected with exotic, extraordinary imagery: 'camels crossed the miles of sand'; 'tropic trees'; 'forests such as these' - all deal with things of vastness - navigation, navigating each other? Or their love is so vast is fills these things? Transports them elsewhere?
Contest: written in the 1930's - stream of consciousness writing
Sense of unity: 'one pulse' (1st stanza) and 'one glow' (2nd stanza)
Because everything is stationary but for their 'one pulse' (and the 'stream'), it can be assumed that only their love flows freely in that moment. Will therefore never grow old because 'time was away and somewhere else)
'The bell was silent in the air'
A silent time keeper
'Neither up nor down'
reference to the Grand Old Duke of York nursery rhyme. Couple are caught in limbo
Sensory descriptions
'clang and clang'
'brazen calyx of no noise'
'like water from a rock'
'stream's music'
Love creates an alternate reality. They have conquered time - it is nothing to them.
Enjambement used regularly
emphasises the continuousness of the scene - even the lines flow into each other
'the clock / forgot them'
'they planned / to portion out'
flowing. Everything smooth
Woman's constancy - JD
17 line lyrical poem
Apostrophe - direct address
Interrogative - demands answers from the supposed female in the situation, but we don't hear her reply
Dramatic monologue because we only hear the speaker's views.
Rhyming couplets throughout - still unity in the rhyme scheme even if the couple themselves are 'not just those persons'
Line 2 is iambic, then settles into a trochaic rhythm (more or less) in the rest of the poem - emphasises cynical tone.
Deliberately frames the questions so that the reader sides with him
Shows that he himself is the unstable one - not the woman for she has not left yet - which is ironic because it is about 'WOMAN'S constancy', not the man's.
Argument centred around 'proving' - contractual laws: love is binding - at least 'till sleep'
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