Religious expression


RE (YR11) Mapa Mental sobre Religious expression, criado por jessica-gollop em 16-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por jessica-gollop, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jessica-gollop quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Religious expression
  1. Community
    1. A group of people who share a common interest or belief.
      1. FAB: A religion or place of worship is a community.
      2. Evalgelism
        1. The way faith is shared often with great passion.
          1. FAB: It is seen as a duty.
          2. Faith
            1. Something you believe or trust in.
              1. FAB: Religious people must express their faith. Shown by for example wearing a religious symbol like a cross neckless.
              2. Identity
                1. What makes you who you are. It is unique to you.
                  1. FAB: Their religion is seen as their identity,
                  2. Pilgrimage
                    1. A special journey, sometimes a once in a life time experience.
                      1. FAB: It has religious significance for example links to the history of their religion.
                      2. Sacred
                        1. A special or important place or object.
                          1. FAB: A church or synagogue.
                          2. Mission
                            1. A job, objective or responsibility. Sometimes mission has religious objectives.
                              1. FAB: This could be sharing faith or doing charity work.


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