Music Video Idea One


Mapa Mental sobre Music Video Idea One, criado por andrew.ducasse em 13-01-2014.
Mapa Mental por andrew.ducasse, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por andrew.ducasse mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Music Video Idea One
  1. My first idea for the narrative is to do a form of montage as if i am getting ready for a boxing match.
    1. I would use cut aways of my self training and then shots of me stadning alone singing.
      1. At the end of the music video it will show me winning the fight and reaching a high level of fame.
        1. The editing would be a mix of slow and fast pace, at the start the lyrics are very slow paced, to fit this I would make the editing slow, once it hits the 1 minute mark the song starts to pick up pace, these would be fast cuts of myself training in a montage form, when the song is at a low pace it would be of my performance singing in the video.
          1. I feel that a grey and black filter would look very good for this, due to the style of the song I feel it used correctly it would give of a good feel, and then towards the end once he wins the fight the colour could fade in back to normal.
            1. For the costume I feel 2 will need to be used. When I am singing I feel that I would look best in a suit as it seems to fit the style of music, then in the training montages I would be wearing more casual training clothes, these would consist of boxing wraps, boxing gloves, boxing shorts and a vest.
              1. I feel slow motion will be very usuful in this, the current cameras can onyl record in 24 fps so it may be an issue, however if done correctly I feel it would look really good at the end where it goes slow before it picks up the pace.
                1. For shot types I will use mostly close ups when I am singing, this is just so it follows the typical music video conventions and also establish that I am the main person of the music video. Then when I am training I will use a multiple range of angles, also mid shots and long shots will be used as I feel that it will help capture these key moments in the build up to the fight.


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