17th to 19th Century -
psychology was seen as branch
of philosophy
1879 - Wundt opened first
psychology lab
1900s - Freud established
psychodynamic approach
1913 - Watson and Skinner
developed behavioural approach
1950s - Rogers and Maslow
developed Humanistic
1960s - Ellis and Beck likened human
mind to a computer
1960s - Bandura developed
Social Learning Theory
1980s - Biological
approach gains
21st Century - Cognitive
neuroscience emerges
William Wundt and Introspection
He believed the human mind could be studied
scientifically. First lab was opened in Germany. Aim
was to study the structure of the human mind .
Used the technique of introspection. Realised that
high mental processes cannot be controlled
Emergence of Psychology as a science
By the beginning of the 20th century, the value of introspection was being
questioned. He said that psychology should study things that could be observed
and measured - psychology was born.
The Behaviourist Approach
Classical Conditioning
All animals are born with a number of natural
reflexes such as salivation
Timing - if the NS
cannot be used
to predict the
UCS then
conditioning will
not take place.
Extinction - CR
doesn't become
I; CC has led to development in treatment for
phobias. J; Use of systematic desensitisation. E;
Shows strengths behaviourist approach
I; Different species find it hard to understand CC. J;
Animals are prepared to learn associations that link to
survival needs. E; Shows limitations of behaviourist
Operant Conditioning
Skinners Research - developed special
cage for rat and when food pellet
arrived when pressing lever it acted as
a reinforcer
Positive Reinforcement is when a consequence occurs that is pleasant
for the organism. Negative reinforcement is when something
unpleasant arrives.
I; He had a reliance on his experimental method. J; By manipulating
consequences of behaviour he could measure effects on behaviour. E;
Allowed him to establish cause and effect relationship
I; He used animals instead of humans. J;
Reliance on animals meant that little
information could be given on human
behaviour. E; Shows limitations of operant
Social Learning Theory
Modelling - live model (peers, parents) or
symbolic model (someone in media) shows
Imitation - copying the behaviour of the model
Identification - individual relates to the model and feels
they are similar to them
Vicarious Reinforcement - observe the consequences
that people have and think about experiencing it
Mediational Processes - mental representations of the behaviour being shown and
the consequences of that behaviour
Bandura - showed children aggressive and non aggressive behaviour towards a Bobo doll.
Children then showed same behaviour modelled.
I; SLT does have useful applications. J; Higher probability of engaging in criminal behaviour when
exposed to models. E; Main cause of violence is peer groups involved
I; Greater identification with a model as it is easier to visualise themselves in their place. J; Found
evidence for computer generated models and that they are likely to engage in same activity as the
model. E; Shows support for identification
I; Problem with complexity in SLT. J; Theories emphasise importance of gender specific modelling. E;
However, in real life child is exposed to different influences
Cognitive Approach
Focuses on how people perceive, store and
manipulate information e.g memory
The role of schemas - cognitive framework that helps
organise and interpret info in the brain. Allows us to take
shortcuts and fill in the gap.
Theorectical Models - simplified representations of mental processes e.g. MSM.
Computer Models - using computer as representation for human mind
Emergence of cognitive neuroscience - now able to study the living brain using PET and MRI
scans and mental processing
I; Has been applied to other areas of psychology. J; Can be used to explain how behaviour can be
traced back to faulty thoughts. E; Led to treatments of depression and OCD
I; Psychologists emphasis on scientific methods. J; Provides them with a strict way to collect and evaluate evidence to make
accurate conclusions. E; Means that conclusions are based on more than common sense and introspection
I; Uses computer models to explain human coding. J; However, computers don't make mistakes
and humans can. E; Shows limitations regarding computer models.
Influence of genes
Heredity- passing on characteristics from
one generation to the next
Genotype - genetic makeup of
an individual. Phenotype -
observable characteristics
Identical twins can be used to test this
through concordance rates
Nervous system carries messages from one area
of brain to another using nerve cells.
Neurochemistry - travels
across a junction called a
Excitatory - stimulate
the brain. Inhibitory -
calm and balance the
Theory of
Natural Selection and the
Survival of the Fittest.
Characteristics are passed on to
their offspring.
I; Uses a scientific method. J; Studies take place in highly
controlled environments. E; Increases the validity
I; Provides clear predictions. J; Led to significant applications of real world - depression and
successful treatments. E; There are applications of biological approach.
I; Complex human behaviour into smaller components. J; Many mental disorders are reductionist as genes
imbalances could be main cause of this behaviour. E; Cannot fully understand as emotional factors are not
accounted for.